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Fort Benning

Guest rperry74

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Guest rperry74
I have heard there are some tricks to getting along there. I leave Jan. 17, Infantry, Airborne, then Special Forces training. Any hints from the guys who have been there would be greatly appreciated.
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Here are some simple things I learned from operating out of any smallish military unit. When you show up, you don't know anything....


Be eager to learn, but not too eager to trust everyone (pranks).


Pleases and Thank Yous go a pretty long way.


If you don't know something, say it, don't dance around the issue and waste time.


It is always better to ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission if it will expedite the mission at hand.

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Ft. Benning, the land that God forgot.


Do not get a military tatoo of anything untill after you have sucessfull graduated the course. I had a buddy that showed up to ranger school with a ranger tatoo. The cadre learned his name quick. Not good.

Also, if you have a birthday while in basic, do you damndest to keep that shit secret.

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I spent 2 summers in Fort Benning. I never got off base, but have been told it is one of the highest STD area's in the U.S. . If you are still there in the summer you will sweat your balls off, and red dirt will be stuck to them. And I hope they got rid of the cattle cars. If you end up in one, try to be one of the first on's or the last on. First on, get to the back in a corner or position yourself near a vent or window. If you are claustrophobic, you will fucking hate being stuck in the middle of one of these cattle cars. Good luck
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I have heard there are some tricks to getting along there. I leave Jan. 17, Infantry, Airborne, then Special Forces training. Any hints from the guys who have been there would be greatly appreciated.

LOL You're gonna be a grunt. :p Well do what you're told when you're told. SF works small, so get ready to get the shit kicked out of you mentally, physically etc... Good luck I'll see ya overseas maybe.

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Guest rperry74
LOL You're gonna be a grunt. :p Well do what you're told when you're told. SF works small, so get ready to get the shit kicked out of you mentally, physically etc... Good luck I'll see ya overseas maybe.


Yeah, I heard SERE training is going to be the one that damn near kills me. Thanks all!

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Yeah, I heard SERE training is going to be the one that damn near kills me. Thanks all!

Not literally, but they have permission to break a non-essential bone in your body. Shit aint easy, I had a few team leaders go through Sapper school a few times, and did Q-course and shit for SF, and they we're semi smoked from it. All in all, just do what your told when you are. Attitude should be put on the back burner, and swallow your pride. The army is all of what you make of it, and some don't like it. Don't let other people ruin the army for you, cause they will. Being light infantry will give you a good chance to hit up schools like ranger, sapper, sniper, pathfinder etc... Good luck.

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Guest Army Sniper
I have heard there are some tricks to getting along there. I leave Jan. 17, Infantry, Airborne, then Special Forces training. Any hints from the guys who have been there would be greatly appreciated.


I have a question. How are you going to Basic, then to Airborne School, and then to SF training. I see the Bacis to Airborne but SF come on. I am a Combat Vet. I was in Iraq from the beginning of the war and spent 12 months over there. I was in 3rd ID 3/15 HHC. I have had a lot of friends go to Selection and gone on to Q course. But I have never heard of anyone Go to Basic then to SF training. You have to go to Selection to be in Q course. Unless you are in that guard unit here in Columbus, what is it like B Company 2/19, or something like that. Are you just making yourselve sound like a hero. lol. I could be wrong but if I am then your Name must be John Rambo.

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Lil extra tidbit of advice - In basic they'll break you mentally into believing you're an idiot & a piece of shit. Once thats accomplished, only then will they build you back up into there version of a mean fighting machine. Sooo mentally prepare yourself, it's only 8 weeks or whatever - the rest gets much easier. They're all correct too, don't =

* volunteer for ANYTHING

* do as you're told

* tools get blanket parties (you aren't trying to win a personality contest) but you don't want trouble either. Behaving is difficult enough

* You want NO ONE sending you cookies either. My Mom did that when I was in basic at Ft Dix NJ. Drill sergeant ate a few in front of entire platoon, then thru rest in trash & gave me shit for a week

* I just remembered something? My cousin sent me a letter addressed to me at Ft Dicks!!!! Now that was a serious problem for me & I NEVER have forgiven that cousin, but you're fine as you can't screw up Ft Benning that way!!!

Good luck, you're about to embark on an adventure you'll remember for the rest of your life. (If you think you've seen it all in people / you ain't seen NOTHIN YET BABY)!!

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Guest FrancesTheMute
If the drill sargeants don't know your name you're doing something right.



God that one is true...I got my nickname from that. I'm now called "S1" by anyone who knew me at Ft. Knox. And they gave me hell all the time, didn't help I was an ROTC cadet at the time either.


BE NAMELESS, but don't worry, they'll still notice you.

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Guest rperry74
I have a question. How are you going to Basic, then to Airborne School, and then to SF training. I see the Bacis to Airborne but SF come on. I am a Combat Vet. I was in Iraq from the beginning of the war and spent 12 months over there. I was in 3rd ID 3/15 HHC. I have had a lot of friends go to Selection and gone on to Q course. But I have never heard of anyone Go to Basic then to SF training. You have to go to Selection to be in Q course. Unless you are in that guard unit here in Columbus, what is it like B Company 2/19, or something like that. Are you just making yourselve sound like a hero. lol. I could be wrong but if I am then your Name must be John Rambo.


No I'm not Rambo. For brevity I left out the selection shit, beside the fact that I am confident enough in my ability that I will succeed. And if I don't make it to Q course, I will at least be Airborne, and hpofully make it Sniper school.

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Guest FrancesTheMute
No I'm not Rambo. For brevity I left out the selection shit, beside the fact that I am confident enough in my ability that I will succeed. And if I don't make it to Q course, I will at least be Airborne, and hpofully make it Sniper school.


Good luck with Sniper School, it's EXTREMELY selective. You've got a 1/1000 shot of getting selected. Just be glad you don't have to qualify at Wood 2, I swear that is the most fucked up range I've ever seen.

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Guest Army Sniper
Well I was really just saying that you just don't ask to go to SF training. You have to be selected and you are not selected by what you can do but how you are as a leader. I wish you good luck but schools like SF, sniper, ranger, pathfinder are all schools that you have to be a certain rank to go. I went to sniper school and you have to meet certain standards to go. Which are all things based from time in service. I will tell you one very important thing don't believe a thing that your recruiter tells you. good luck
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Guest rperry74
Now, everyone else I have spoken with has told me that sniper school was not based on any rank, but by your ability. I have spoken with several experienced operators and unless the policy has changed, at least for special forces, you would be given the appropriate promotion upon completion. Who knows, who cares! I'll do whatever and have a blast doing it. Thanks for the info.
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