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The comings and goings of CR

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whats all this stuff about plain city. as long as i have lived there, as small as it is, and as long as i have been on CR, i have never heard anything going on out my why. someone please elaborate


It wasn't really Plain City. It was some road off Post Rd. There's a cement factory or something. We had ALOT of good times out there. Dumptrucks fucking rock.



Hilliard Davidson parking lot...




Circut City...


300ZX taking out a fire hydrant in front of Circut City...


Jono and I throwing the fire hydrant in his trunk to take home...


Launching potatoes across West Case Rd...


Dan and the RR flares...


Kip and the super van...


Jeff and the 3g Eclipse that had a bleacher for a wing...


My white Mustang...


Someone catching fire at the fireworks...


Industrial Pkwy helicopters...


Charter and West Belt...


Arby's in Obetz...


Dude who couldn't stop in time at the Plain City spot and ran into the field...

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It wasn't really Plain City. It was some road off Post Rd. There's a cement factory or something. We had ALOT of good times out there. Dumptrucks fucking rock.



Hilliard Davidson parking lot...




Circut City...


300ZX taking out a fire hydrant in front of Circut City...


Jono and I throwing the fire hydrant in his trunk to take home...


Launching potatoes across West Case Rd...


Dan and the RR flares...


Kip and the super van...


Jeff and the 3g Eclipse that had a bleacher for a wing...


My white Mustang...


Someone catching fire at the fireworks...


Industrial Pkwy helicopters...


Charter and West Belt...


Arby's in Obetz...


Dude who couldn't stop in time at the Plain City spot and ran into the field...


Rednecks and the Eclipse...then the "good brick"


Rick chasing the fox on foot in the Radio Shack parking lot


Anthony loseing to Aaron's cavy


Sam spraying in the snow to get away from cops


Joe's Civic SI


Nick at charter


Jeff's "little red lazer"


COFBA actually leaving their houses to come out to W. Broad


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Sam spraying in the snow to get away...


Sam spraying in the rain to get away...


Sam spraying in the summer to get away...


Sam spraying in the fall to get away...


Sam spraying in the spring to get away...


So yeah, Sam sprays alot...


Rigsby's turbo CRX...


Me getting beat by a Porcshe, then running into the guy here on CR four years later...


Me taking out a lightpole on Sawmill...


Me drinking...


Okay so that one hasn't changed...


Smoking pot out of a turbo... that one was funny as fuck...


Smoking pot out of a water pump... that one wasn't so funny...


Playing army in the redneck's yard... you know, with the good brick and the flares...


Skipping school to go to Trails...

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Rigsby's TII


Rigsby's Explorer


Party's at Kyles, Fowlers, and Rigsby's place on campus


Chris's mustang


Mr. Forkey's own section


Aaron with the cavy


Aaron with the 240-->best BOTD and beer review


Donato's hook-up


Week night meets at sawmill applebee's


CR bonfire at josh's


Going back to Alex's place after racing




Mark gracing us with his presence


Eric's mad driving skillz


Hillard Mustang fucks




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Minute Men Racing -- Give us a minute, we'll spank you and your car.


Minute Men Racing -- We're only here for a quicky.


that Kyle guy with the red CRX who got lice from TurboSlut...


Anthony's mullet...


Anthony's sleeveless shirts...


670 races before it was open...


Jesse signing the new stretch of 670 when it first opened...


Mike and the sprayed V6 Mustang...


changing Berto's radiator in HH Gregg's parking lot...


the cookouts at the garage...


me drinking... haha...

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Minute Men Racing -- Give us a minute, we'll spank you and your car.


Minute Men Racing -- We're only here for a quicky.


that Kyle guy with the red CRX who got lice from TurboSlut...


Anthony's mullet...


Anthony's sleeveless shirts...


670 races before it was open...


Jesse signing the new stretch of 670 when it first opened...


Mike and the sprayed V6 Mustang...


changing Berto's radiator in HH Gregg's parking lot...


the cookouts at the garage...


me drinking... haha...


Berto being the only one allowed in the parking lot to change the radiator...we were all kicked out remember?


I think anthony owns 3 shirts with sleeves...


Mike with the V6 mustangs girlfriend that like to kick people in the balls




Matty (I think was his name) with the red vert eclipse that became Turbo Sluts personal driver


Anthony going througn 800 sets of plugs in the Camaro...getting pissed off and selling if for the bird


Brett installing the supercharger on the bird in alex's garage


Anthony's strobes on the camaro :lol:


Late night excursions to the Awful Waffle


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jack b and chitty-chitty.


anthony being bigger than chris.


the bling brothers (clay, buck and i = three pimp ass black cars rollin on chromies)


martelle and the yellow gti and his huge cat, fletcher.


jimmy dean and the monster wrex.


doug and the bolt on turbo kit that netted him about 20 hp in his grandam.


nitroubird and his perennially broken green monster with the butterfly wheels and yellow accessories.

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Jeff, Mike, Joe, and myself going to Easton and parking in the garage. Upon entering garage I was in my car with open cutout and revved it real good once, when I parked I had a columbus po po behind me with his lights on. He was a real dick about the whole thing and was assuming I was speeding in the garage when I wasn't. I shouldn't have done the revving but it was funny at the time. I got off but almost didn't because Joe's dumbass was laughing.
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Steve.. in the pewter TA.. who launched in reverse at the Gahanna spot..


Damn.. those were the days. Too bad they're not here now. :(


And some tool who ran over a fire hidrant.. when he was drunk, and the cops came.. at the Gahanna spot.

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Taco Bell sign in Jordans Garage from East broad


TRYING to climb snow piles on East broad


Brandon with the Acura pulling his e-brake on broad street while racing to avoid death


Cruises-those were the shit sometimes.


Fowler doing 2nd gear dognuts at Marcus parking lot


Carrage Place

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Sam agree to race drunk dude in red supercharged fox stang when we were at jegs... His 2 other buddies were all hammered talking shit. Sam pulled the bottle having a hidden one to spray with ... But didn't need it.


Trip to dayton to race


5th gear burnout on campus in my stang wasting brand new set of kumhos


Hellicopters and tons of cops kikcing us out of krogers


The many 270 dig races


The many dyno days


Dyno brians primered 86 fox warrior


Alsermans airport, and my 15 min burnout


The chick at jegs putting her 86 stang into the curb when leaving


Berto drunk


Having the fire dept put out the dumpster fire we set on campus


Rigsby chasing people with his ar15


Fowler doing a 180 on polaris parkway

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Aaron's sprayed Cavy winning against both my TII and Anthony's Camaro.


Turbo Beetle's infamous e-brake spin out


The demise of Brett's first Z


The remote controlled airplane in the Marcus parking lot


Kyle sploding his diff at Trails


The OHP patrolman standing in the right lane of I70 with a flashlight trying to get all of us to pull over. Then every County between Dayton and Cbus having all points bulletins out on us.


Ritter's to Hooters cruises


Fowler's fuel leak fix on the side of 270


and I have to repeat it....Berto's snowflake sweater.

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