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Sobriety Checks!!!


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I bet 90% of the people on here would fail the field tests sober.


I'm SURE that I would. I've never been pulled over for a sobriety check, but if I ever am I'm just going to request a breathalizer instead of wasting my time with the field test.

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The FOUR I have been through went like this...


Flash light in cab

"Where you heading?"

"Where you coming from?"

"Anything to drink tonight?"

"Thanks. Be careful"


EXCEPT for one where I had 2 Bud Lights at Red Lobster 2 hours before. I told him I had 2 bottles at dinner, he said, "cool, thank you for your patience, enjoy your night."

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As strict as the penalities are now you'd have to be an idiot to drink and drive.I don't drink anymore but when I did I would have my wife or girlfriend(before we got married) drive even after a couple.
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or dont get caught...


its assholes like you clark why my cousin was killed at 3 years old. and one of my goods friends parents were killed when he was 5 or my buddys sister at 16 so should i go on why its probably a good thing not to drink and drive. Cause if you do and get caught deserves you right.

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