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I would not mind paying for this


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I deffiently think the US should get a road like the Autobahn just like many other people do. It would be so nice to drive that fast and not worry about the police. Just travleiong would be so much faster because it would be possible to average speeds of over 100mph, and not worry about the police busting you.But, i've heard that there are sections of the Autobahn with speedlimits on them now. Mostly in cites becuse of heavy congestition. What do you guys think, Would an Autobahn type road work in the US?

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An Autobahn would be cool yes. But the mind set of the majority of the American people couldnt handle it. Just look at the people next to you on the freeway now. And then you would have the people that think their car is up to the task of high speeds even though the body is rusted out, only one brake works, and the shocks and springs gave out years ago. It would take a lot to make one work here.
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If they made a special program to get a special "highspeed" license, then sure. That and you would have to be driving certian vehicals. Im sorry but a Mercury Sable isnt going to cut it at 90 or 100mph.... nor is a base model S10.... and i for damn sure dont want to see a Kia or Hyundia ANYTHING traveling anywhere near me at triple digits.
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It's not like there are no laws on the Autobahn. There are some put in place to make things safer. First off, I believe they do need a special license to use it. Some sections do have speed limits that can change according to traffic conditions in the area. They also are not allowed to pass on the right, left lane passing only. But, American drivers are so used to the way things are now, it'd be hard for most people to break the habbit of driving like an asshole.
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Guest Ponyfreak
IT was changed because numerous infraction of 150mph+ occuring regularly. People were being idiots where they should not have been. Montana had no daytime speed limit for about 5-6months, then changed it to 75 like all the other western states.
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american is definately not ready for an autobahn. there are to many idoits on the road for it to work. most cars americans drive arent exactly in the best condition, wouldnt exactly wont to see a early 90s car flyin down the road at 120 next to me.


not to mention the accidents that happen. there arent many on the autobahn but when they do happen they usually involve bodybags.

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