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? for people with cable internet and installers Nintrous Bird etc


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Sorry for the stupid question but do they just split the cable line in your house? If I dont have a wireless router and my cable for my tv is on one side of the room and the computer is on the other do you just run another cable? Does wow or anyone give you a free cable modem or do you ahve to buy it etc? Thanks CJ
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I'm not an "installer" but I train those guys, plus a number of other things.


Cable modem is leased for $2.50/month. You can also buy one. I HIGHLY recommend leasing them, as modems in general (all brands) tend to be pretty sensitive to anything, and don't last forever.


You have one line that feeds into the house, then it is split from there. Typically, the first 2-way splitter has one leg feeding the modem, and the other leg feeding another splitter that will feed the other TV's in the house. A dedicated line to the modem is always best, but not required. Depends on the home, the signal levels, distances, etc.

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