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where to find specific hat


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im looking for a white honda fitted hat.

can be honda racing, a honda motorcycle, honda car, honda whatever.

im looking for somethgin that has the wings and says honda on the front, and and like the wings.. or says honda on the back side fitted part.



like mayenb a white one with a H on the front and honda on the abck

or honda on the front H on the back.



why do i want one???

i want one for my new job at honda.

nto allowed to wear other manufacturer clothing. so id like to get a honda hat to wear for work.

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hoblick, wait till your first day at work. at the marysville plant they have the "service center" ask anyone they will know what ur talking about. At the service center there is a shop with honda stuff, hats, shirts, watches. all sorts of shit. and its really well priced too.


hope that helps. I got a lot of my honda stuff at the service center when i was co-oping there

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