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smart phones on windows OS questions


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ok so heres the deal.. the tmobile sidekick 2 was nice, but it got realyl shitty service for somereason, and the phone itself froze up alot. so i have ordered a MPX200 motorola Smartphone.

has windows mobile 2002 on it.

basically i am reading that you should upgrade to windows mobile 2003. but i ahve been looking aroudn, and i got a copy of windows mobile 5.0 but i have no idea how to load this on the phone. i downloaded activesync 4.1 (latest version) from microsoft. and ill have the usb cable and everything. but i have no idea how to load that os on the phone. anyone know how to do this, or know abou tthis shit.


basically i know the phone has windows media player 9 on it, minisd expansion aslot up to 1gig, has windows mobile 2002 and what not.

some info from anybody would be good.

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I also don't think it's posible for you to upgrade unless the upgrade comes in a form of a package from your service provider. The phone related portions would not come preinstalled on the OS you're trying to install. So, if you are able to upgrade it then you would lose the phone software.
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what do you mean...



the phone is unlocked and will work with any service provider. at&t, cingular, t mobile, etc...

you can unlock any phoen to work on any service provider.

i cna unlock a nextel and use it for t mobile, or unlock a sidcekick 2 and use it on nextel. the phone is a tri band, 900mhz, 1800mhz, and somethign else. most run on the 1800mhz i think. the gsm, gprs, type thing

gsm i think it is.


anyway the os has nothing to do with the phoens capability to be used on a service provider.


the os is jsut the program the phone works.

basically a pda.


im jsut trying to upgrade the os.. which is possible. cause i have read about people doing it, i jsut dont know exactly how to go about it. its supposedly easy. also im mainly looking for the rom, iso, whatever to use.

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problems with your sidekick? get out of here!!! is this the part where i say "i told you so"? <grin>


j.k man, that kinda stinks. i hear the mpx is cool. id let it ride for a bit before i stressed out about updating it. i know a few who have them, and they seem to really like their version of windows mobile.


if youre bound and determined to update, you may want to get in touch with microsoft. there have been hardware revisions to go along with the new windows platforms, and the moto may not be able to run it.

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