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Email spam blockers?


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I'm at my wit's end. My Osu email account is only used on my resume and school stuff never used for signing up for photobucket or shit like that so it wouldn't get spam.


slowly but surely the "Enlarge your penis pills" emails came. Then the "do you need free OEM software" then i go the "Hey i'm (insert girl's name), i just turned 18 and i want to show you my webcam" emails


and i'm tired of it. after two weeks i deleted 90 emails of shit. Is there any way to eliminate this shit?

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I get the emails too from my OSU account. If you're using Outlook you can setup a junk email folder and if it recognizes the address, it'll automatically move or delete the emails. Still OSU should do something about it.

its funny becaus ei bitched up a storm with the IT fuckers. they suspended my account last summer because i went over quota when i was out of the country and didn't check my email for 2 weeks. 10 MB of junk mail. they absolutely need to do something about it.

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