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Shooting of the Somalian


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I'm pretty sure you folks have watched the news the last few days and have seen this.




Discuss. Somalians want justice. I can't see how they can do justice if the dude had a knife, and failed to comply with the police... even after being maced. Watching them bitch and moan on the news just makes me sick.


No, I'm not racist, but damn, this is retarded.



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"There were several requests for him to drop the knife. He failed to do that. He made a lunge toward the officers. The officers Maced the subject. That failed."


I think I would have shot him right then. The cops gave him a chance, he didnt take it. Too bad.

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They have a somalian rights activist coming from I believe Minnesota to investigate. I just wonder whats the chances of him finding out the somalian was in the wrong and actually admitting it. What then will the somalian community accept that. Probably not. I guess no law enforcment agent can ever shoot a somalian for any reason.
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if the Columbus somali's are smart they will not do anything past a small peaceful demonstration. The Columbus Black community has been on edge with the columbus somali community and vice versa. If anythig violent comes out of this, it could be more of a shit storm than many of you think. You would have Somali's rioting, then the black community commiting violence against the rioting somali's, then the white supremists come in.


But what do you expect from a city with a mayor who cares about nothing more than his political agenda, and a police chief who is the exact same way?

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What I don't get, is that there were "witnesses" saying that he didn't have a knife.


NO FUCKING SHIT they're going to say he didn't have a knife. They're in a somalian community (which shouldn't be here anyways.. that's besides the point). That right there pisses me off. They're trying to make the CPD look bad and want "justice". Bull shit.


Same thing with that Mexican apartment (I think they were mexican).. and it burned down or what not last year. They wanted justice too. I don't think they ever got it though. If I remember right, it was arson and they wanted answers. Well, GTFO is the answer.

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What I don't get, is that there were "witnesses" saying that he didn't have a knife.


NO FUCKING SHIT they're going to say he didn't have a knife. They're in a somalian community (which shouldn't be here anyways.. that's besides the point). That right there pisses me off. They're trying to make the CPD look bad and want "justice". Bull shit.


Same thing with that Mexican apartment (I think they were mexican).. and it burned down or what not last year. They wanted justice too. I don't think they ever got it though. If I remember right, it was arson and they wanted answers. Well, GTFO is the answer.


Well that's a pretty stupid comparison... and a dumber resolution.


But anyways back to the topic. They are upset because he was mentally challenged.. a retard, if you will.. The really dumb part is they say they want to be treated as equals..hate to break it to them, but if a retarded anything lunges at police with a knife they have the right to shoot.

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Well that's a pretty stupid comparison... and a dumber resolution.


bad compairison, but I liked the resolution. Im sick and tired of all the people in this coutry that go on and on about how they should have more rights then everyone else because they dont speak our language, and they dont have a green card, and how people hate how things are run and hate our president and hate it when we stick up for are selves. If you people hate living here so much GTFO! The world is a very big place, and i hear living in antartica is real cheap


anyway, i think the whole Somali thing is rediculous, i also think its funny that the only picture they can find of the guy hes doing that stupid gangsta pose.

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Who else remembers when the somali gang busted into Gahanna Lincoln and the police issued a lockdown. Man, that was funny.


With regards to this, cop was shooting in self defense. The only reason that there is this much outrage is because it was a cop, and not another fucking Somali. What if the situation involved the cop being Somali. I would've expected the same kind of outcome then, not some fucking racial sympathy; "Oh come on, Frank, the kid has got a knife and his skin is the same color as mine. I'll let him run it through me a few times since he doesn't know better."


I hate the "hate crime" plea for everything that white people do the black people.

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