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Opinions on AllState insurance?


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I have Statefarm on all my vehicles at this moment. They were the cheapest for my bike, fair on my Mustang, but they're raping me on my Jimmy.


So, I need to switch the Jimmy to a different company, but the AllState sales guy said they have to insure all the vehicles I own, it's company policy. Shit. They offered me $150/month for the Mustang AND the Jimmy, which saves me about $60 a month over what I'm paying right now. He said he couldn't quote me on my bike, I have to call an agent for that.


Will I regret switching to All State? How is their service? Claims handleing?

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I've been with All State for 9 years. My agent is great. I have some points and my rates are very good. I have never filed a claim, but have done A LOT of changes to my coverage and had differant cars. They have handled all of my needs very well.
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I've been with & stayed with "State Farm" for over 30 years. I know I've paid a lil more, but they have ALWAYS been there when I needed them. Sometimes (not always) but sometimes you get what you paid for. The insurance b/z calculates your premiums based on a # of things including (but not limited to) your tenure with them --
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I am in a no drop clause with statefarm I've been with them 8 years and never had a single problem. I've had a few dousy of wrecks when i was a teen too. MY 83 Regal hits BRAND NEW gradn cherokee with 55miles on it :) they've never gave me shit for systems i've had ( Subs and amps) or anything i really like statefarm and would not leave them personaly for 60$ a month
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Been with Allstate for 28 years and my home has been covered with them for 16 years and have always had the best rates on my daily drivers and my collectible cars and when I have had a claim it was handled with ease. Allstate has some nice programs of late and the waiver of $100 ded per year without a claim is a nice feature.
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I used to have Allstate, and I will NEVER go w/ them again, not matter what rate they offer me. They have screwed me pretty badly on a couple of claims. Their rates weren't all that great either.


I have State Farm now. :) I had American Family previous to that, but couldn't find a good agent w/ them.

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I have allstate INS and i'm not happy with them,I wrecked my girlfriends civic last winter and it took them 2 weeks to come out and write a estimate for repairs and they wanted to use aftermarket parts,but i will say their rates are cheap.I guess you get what you pay for.
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I've had Allstate for about 8yrs now. I like the fact that I can walk into my agents office for assistance. I've filed a few claims and had problems at all. The rates are good, I have 4 vehicles and my house insured thru them. Although I have heard horror stories but then again I think everyone has a story to tell about every company. State Farm does have a pretty good rep though. If you need an Allstate agent in the Hilliard area, let me know.
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Guest hotrodmama024
Dont go to Allstate. They actually dropped me after 2 weeks, saying my car was to much Horse power to handle. MY friend worked there as well. Go to Nationwide. They have had the best service, and better prices i think.
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  hotrodmama024 said:
Dont go to Allstate. They actually dropped me after 2 weeks, saying my car was to much Horse power to handle. MY friend worked there as well. Go to Nationwide. They have had the best service, and better prices i think.

That's weird, they have never said anything about that to me and they know that mine is mod'd....


STAY AWAY from Nationwide... they will screw you over every chance they get.


I had an accident and a speeding ticket within a year and they raised my rates to over 600 a month... and they never fixed my car right and I took it to a "blue ribbon" shop...




P.S. that place sucks to work for too :)

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Allstate was pretty cheap for me, but their customer service is just pitiful. And if you file a claim, your rates jump by 50% for 3 years, they drop a ton of pressure on you to have the car fixed by their selected shop (I.E. no OEM dealer parts, just generic), and your second claim in that 3 year period guarantees that you will be dropped.

If your car is totalled, they will offer about 1/3 of blue book, and bombard you with an endless list of "equivalent" examples of your car sold at lowball prices from newspapers from cities far far away.

Example: 94 Dodge Spirit, 3.0V6/4 speed auto, most options but no ABS, 94k on the odo and the car was PERFECT inside and out. Blue book was 3500 at the time, they offered $1100, and tried to tell me that a stripper 90 Acclaim with 160k and a 2.2/auto was equivalent.

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