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So all the miners died...


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Sad story, after reporting 12 of 13 were alive last night, they turned around this morning with a big OOPS.. 12 of 13 died.




I have quite a few family members that live in Wv and worked in the mines for years, luckily nothing like this ever happened to them.

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ive been watching it since like 11 last night... i turn it off for like a half hour around 2:40 and when i turned it back on, it said 12 of 13 died... i was like WTF? Typo... nope. Yea, deffinatly one of the biggest fuckups of all time... next to the Yugo.
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I have family that worked in strip mining and deep mining in ohio, but nothing like what they have in the mountains.


The whole scenario is fucked up.


The mis-communication, and worse yet the DELAY in correcting that information. They knew 20 minutes after the screw up what had happened, but took no immediate action.


How the miners died: Not from inhalation of gasses, but hypothermia. Partial rescue crews were on scene quickly, but they could not begin until a backup team arrived, which took something ridiculous like 11 hours. That time period could have saved those lives.


this is how i understand the situation anyway, i wasnt there, and have only the media to rely on, which obviously is only worth so much.

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Guest FooFooMaru

Wow, that's gay. I was watching it late last night a around midnight,same as other night. And 12 out of 13 died? That's so depressing after them claiming heY one is found dead and majority are found! That horrible


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Yeah I was unable to watch the news last night due to a early start time 4 work. I was in my truck and happen to look over at a dispatch paper vending machine and seen the headline and was pretty happy that majority lived and went on believing the whole day that they were alive then I just got off work and seen this thread what a very sad day RIP
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I had a fellow who was sort of like a stepfather to me when I was growing up, he worked in a mine outside of Pittsburgh. He worked there his entire life, I approached him when I graduated High School & I said "Foster, I heard I can start in that mine & make $7 an hour to start"!!!! Now in 1970 $7 an hour was ALOT of $$$$$. Foster looked at me & said = Tom you need to make your own way in life. I'm not going to help you get in that mine at your age, knowing the day may come when YOU CAN'T COME OUT OF THE MINE AT THE END OF YOUR SHIFT! I never worked in that damn mine & glad I didn't!!! I feel very badly for those men & their families -
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