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I want a MP3 Editor...


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Since we are on the MP3 kick, anybody got a link to burn to a program that will setup an MP3 file CD. I need something that will allow you to place the songs in files then burn the files to a blank disc. I cant seem to find anything to get it worked out, thanks in advance.
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I tried Roxio but we only have a trial version that wont let me build them into MP3 format files, just burn 15 to 20 songs to a CD. The way I understood it was that you can burn a MP3 file with 15 to 20 songs per file and just jump from file to file on the CD without ever taking it out of the player. I would like it for my car. I have a new deck that plays MP3 files and was trying to figure it out. Again, I dont know for sure if that is how it works, thats just the way I understood it, like an I POD but burnt to a disc. I could be wrong, someone please set me str8 if I am, however I am trying that download from that link posted. I will let ya know if it works for me, thanks for the help man.
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Ok, I tried Audacity, but damn it if I can't figure out how to edit the length. I basically just want to cut the songs, from a certain start to a certain end point. I used to have this program that I could just enter the min:seconds into a little box for where I wanted the song to start/stop and the program would just delete everything else. Anyone know of anything like this? Other than that I need something extremely simple, even audacity is too indepth for me, I don't need to see the wavelength or whatever the fuckit is, its not like I want to do anything but clip the end of my songs because some go on forever....
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