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Tested before having sex?


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OK, so has anyone ever been asked to get tested before having sex with the person? There is this very upitty Paris Hilton wanna be chick that comes in my office and today it came out that she told some guy to get tested before she would fuck him. Maybe this is the new Cosmo chick and I haven't met her till now? So now I need to know from a 3,000+ member forum the general thought about this.
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It's a very common thing. I don't think it is being uppity at all...it's called being smart and safe. Most commonly at worst you have something that can be treated, and it saves the other person from going through that as well
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I'm not trying to hit it. She is annoying a hell. And the military tests me twice a year, so I'm covered. I'm wondering if this is something that a lot of girls are doing now. I talk to a lot of differant girls and this is the first I'm hearing about someone wanting a test.

Don't misunderstand me about it being safe. It is. And yes, of course it is a good idea, BUT has anyone experienced it or practicing it. The testing part isn't why I think she is upitty, but it stacks the bullshit up a little higher for her.

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regardless of wether youre having sex or not, you should be tested every six months.


do not argue with me.

Ok. With that said. who really gets tested every six months? No one can argue that it dosen't make sence. My post is about wanting to know who has been asked this or ask's this of people. I'm not looking to discuss if it makes sence or not(pretty obvious).

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Ok. With that said. who really gets tested every six months? No one can argue that is dosen't make sence. My post is about wanting to know who has been asked this or ask's this of people. I'm not looking to discuss if it makes sence or not(pretty obvious).



I do....usually every three months....


College frat boy slut=dangerous lifestyle

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Testing does nothing other than tell you it's too late. Prevention or abstinence is the best way to prevent STDs. Brought to you by Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio... J/K.


Alright, where's Sam on this one? I can't wait for him to post "Fuck it, hit that shit bareback... like a man!" :)

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to answer your question, i get tested every six months. its one of the few things i do (medically speaking) as regularly as im supposed to.


i would not be insulted if a girl asked me to get tested, or if id been tested, and conversely, though i havent really been in the situation for some time, i wouldnt feel bad asking a girl to be tested, or if shed been tested.


when i was younger, i did some dumb things. if i had done something to affect the rest of my life, it would suck, but id deal with it. if i had done something to affect the rest of someone elses life, i dont know if i could live with myself.

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Everyone makes a good point. And some I hope are kidding. IMO if a girl asked me, than she should go also and get one too. But, I think chicks are taking a lot more dick these days. Great, it's about time. But I think the perception of guys being the ones out hooking up all the time is still the over all out look, not taking girls into consideration to be doing the same. Girls are more open now than 5 years ago or even a year ago. Nothing wrong with this progress either. Just some thoughts
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wow is this chicks pussy outlined in gold.. this is funny.. i am just wondering what ur boy or dude did.. did he go get tested.. is she hot..

I think she has been with A LOT of dudes. I'd been told she use to/ still doe’s coke and had been with alot of dudes. I guess that is why I was acting the way I was toward her. She is attractive, but as soon as she opens her mouth my ears bleed. I don't know the guy that she said this to. From what I understand the guy got tested and didn't ask her to. Then he hit it.

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OK, so has anyone ever been asked to get tested before having sex with the person? There is this very upitty Paris Hilton wanna be chick that comes in my office and today it came out that she told some guy to get tested before she would fuck him.


If this girl asked me this I would say to her


" What did the 5 fingers say to the face?"





Then when she was knocked out I would continue to bang her unprotected... :cool:

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