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WTB: Pipe bender


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Hey guys, im looking to buy a manual piping bender. It'll be mainly used for art and car stuff. Im hoping to find a used one preferably that locks into the floor and you pull with leverage. I've seen the ones that use a vertical jack, but they seem to only bend to 90 degree maximum. I'd really like to go past 90, but i suppose if there is a good enough deal i may take it. It doesn't have to look pretty, but it needs to be solid. Also it has to bend up to at least 2" diameter but i would love if it could bend up to 3". Also if you know a guy or place that's selling some old ones or something, that 's super helpful. Just pm or post here. Thanks
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You need a TUBE bender, not a pipe bender. The ones from habor Freight are complete junk. You need this one, if you are gonna spend money get the best. This is the same Bender I use, will bend anything you are man enough to tackle. It is kind of expensive, but you really get what you pay for. I know a guy that has been building race cars for fifteen years, with this same bender.




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^lol, ahh bender

and thanks for the link to the other one. It looks pretty good, and if you can vouch for it, i may just buy it. Yeah, i got confused between pipe benders and tube benders. Also the price on that one really isn't that bad. I've been looking ata bunch and the price for that one is pretty on par. Thanks for the help.

The one's at harbor frieght are the one's with the vertical jack i was talking about and they just wouldn't suit my needs. Medium fast says they are junk and i'm going to go ahead and believe him.

Also if anyone has one and is for sale, be sure to post it up.

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