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Another great ebay find...wtf??


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Either they hope to get national notariety(sp) and turn it into something bigger, or they have some half baked scheme that their hoping to trick the person. Perhaps they think if their ad doesnt actually say what they will do then that might mean they dont have to do anything, or something like that. Or possibly their just some backwards hillbillies. Its late and why the hell am I outta bed. Good nite all. Sorry I am sleep posting.
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Guest MissTypeS

I'll offer $100 per year for a man servant. He must clean (entire home, with attention to the cracks in the hardwood floors), cook (anything that doesn't have cilantro), make beer runs (PBR, Molsen, thanks) and shower me with compliments. Said man servant will live in the unfinished part of basement with furnace and roommate's dark room for photography. Do not touch dark room. This is a no-sex contract, but if you get off on being ordered to make me breakfast, bitch, then that's your call.


Interviews and screenings to take place in the next 2 weeks. 21 and over only. Brunettes given first priority.

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