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brandon, bettis is money on 3rd, or 4th and short, thats why he's still playing, despite the age, despite the asthma, he's still a bad ass. when you're 33, and weigh "255" lets see if you can even do 1/4 of the things bettis can do. he is the definition of an ATHLETE. yes he's old, (for a running back) but he still gets the job done. thats something that even at your level of fitness NOW you simply could not do. Really you have absolutely no ground to stand on.



-This is Rick btw.......

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Wait wait wait wait......... I'm laughing pretty hard so it's tough to type... Marc said "Jon, make fun of my family again and we'll have problems"..... What are you going to do chief, try and take out your anguish from your dissapointing life on me? I'm very, very threatened. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm waitin for ya, Punky Brewster. You know where to find me.
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Mr Wright posted = (I better prepair myself for the Stock family hate train cause is it a choo choo chooing)?????????????????


Appears this entire thread is getting close to going over the line. Post above plus some earlier regarding my family, our intelligence etc etc

Everyone has the privilege to root for their team & not like some or all of the opposing teams. But to change the posture to direct insults changes fun posts to hurt feelings or worse. Suggest an admin close this now -


I meant no harm with my comment. Just stating you and your family are die hard steeler fans, and undoubtably (not from yourself) Marc will come back with some smart ass comment, to get the last word.


(we are all friends here haha)

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brandon, bettis is money on 3rd, or 4th and short, thats why he's still playing, despite the age, despite the asthma, he's still a bad ass. when you're 33, and weigh "255" lets see if you can even do 1/4 of the things bettis can do. he is the definition of an ATHLETE. yes he's old, (for a running back) but he still gets the job done. thats something that even at your level of fitness NOW you simply could not do. Really you have absolutely no ground to stand on.



-This is Rick btw.......


OK Rick let me break this to you. I will never EVER be 255, so I cant do that. I would never be a running back, or claim to be able to, but I can run futher faster and just plain faster then Jerome right now, infact there is no way he runs a 4.4 fourty yard dash, Maybe in him prime ellite he may have but now.NO. He has a lot of heart I give him that, but he is washed up, he has a lot of health proublems, and he needs to give up after this year, cause he is just really isnt that effective. I mean he is a great a third and 2 back, exciting, all he does is runn hard and run into the smaller linebackers, of course he will win, simple physics delgates this concept. I think he USED to be very good, but now its time to thrown in the towel.


And Rick, since I am not half the athlete he is, whats your defination of an athlete? And also can you even run?

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Son, I would MOW YOU DOWN LIKE A LITTLE BITCH. Can I outrun you, no, can I run farther than you, no, but if you'd like, Try to stop me one on one, and you'll be wishing you hadn't. I never said I was an athlete, You on the other hand have stated so numerous times, on the board and in person. There is no fucking way that you can even compare your self to the professionals, they train and condition themselves every day so that when it counts they can perform to the highest level. Do you? I didn't think so. My offer stands, anytime you think you got the balls, call me, and I'll be more than happy to flatten you.
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What are you going to do chief, try and take out your anguish from your dissapointing life on me?


You're incredibly ignorant. You think I have a dissapointing life? Let's see...who bought his friends in college by joing a frat? Who got into college because daddy wrote them a letter promising they would improve on high school achievments? Who plays more video games than Anthony(:) )? Who has gained over 50lbs in the past year? Who uses people again?


John, I think it's a good thing you're staying in Athens over the summer...I would hate to see someone of your caliber (:lol: ) sweating it out behind a pizza oven all summer. Although in your case, sweating it out might not be a bad thing...


I'm not only done with this thread, I'm done with you. <hitting ignore button>


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Way to run from someone you know is better than you, Marc. I got into college because I got a 31 on my ACTs, not because my dad wrote a letter? Huh? Using the tired, lameass excuse "you pay for your friends" really must hurt inside when you get drunk with the same two people once a week in some miserable apartment or your parents house, while I'm at a crazy ass party twice or more every weekend. Sorry that our house is crawling with girls so hot that you couldn't even look at them on the internet without needing a new pair of Batman underoos.


You're definitely not one to make accusations of being unhealthy. I gained weight, so what? I stopped playing sports and came to college. As big as I am, I've still gotten laid in one week a thouand times more than you have in the last six months. You and knisely can talk as much shit as you want from your parents house or his basement cave, but the thing is... I actually get results. What do you do, scoop up on Brians ex girlfriend (gross.... sorry Brian) or whine and bitch about how Brandon fucks and leaves all the girls you like? Sorry that the lightest girl you've ever put your three inch cock into weighed more than you do, that's tough to find in a girl.


In the end, the only person who gives a shit about what you say or think is You. Nobody is laughing with you, everyone is laughing at you. In fact, it's probably best if you actually "clicked the ignore button", because I've never seen an effective come back come from your computer. This way, everyone can just laugh at you while you weep silently into your child security blanket. Pussy.

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Ya, your faggot ass knows all about gerbils. You seriously make me laugh jon, you're such a fucking 2 faced bitch. I've met you in person a few times, I really feel bad for you. You're such an ass fucker on the intraweb, but face to face you back off so fucking fast it must be some kind of speed record or something. Seriously, who do you think you fucking are??? You really have some serious issues that need to be adressed, Best of luck with that faggot. :rolleyes:
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I back off? Like any of you have EVER said anything to me in person. Hypocrisy is fun, isn't it?


Hell, Last time I saw Knisley in person he was joking around and making me laugh. If that's how you Peckerheads want to be, then be that way. Just don't go accusing other people of the same exact thing.


I'm nice in person because in reality, I'm a very easy person to get along with. I have a conscience, I'm funny, and I'm intelligent. It's when people start acting like hardasses and throwing insults around (and, occassionally, I get pissed when people are ignorant and "un-smart" as well) when I get pissed off and start being a prick. Don't act like a cocksmoke, and I'll leave well enough alone.



By the Way... I know very little about gerbils, except that they don't have tails. Just for reference. What the hell does that mean?

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Son, I would MOW YOU DOWN LIKE A LITTLE BITCH. Can I outrun you, no, can I run farther than you, no, but if you'd like, Try to stop me one on one, and you'll be wishing you hadn't. I never said I was an athlete, You on the other hand have stated so numerous times, on the board and in person. There is no fucking way that you can even compare your self to the professionals, they train and condition themselves every day so that when it counts they can perform to the highest level. Do you? I didn't think so. My offer stands, anytime you think you got the balls, call me, and I'll be more than happy to flatten you.


Rick, you make it to easy. First off you would be the easiest chop block in history, like taking candy from an ole man!

Second, I train daily, and although my carido shape is lacking right now, strength is not. If you have ever seen Ted Ginn Jr. well hes my size, exactly, and well I am have a stronger upper body then him, per OSU stats ( I mean if you want to compare to someone of that magnitude, similar in age as well ) I run a 4.4 fourty ( he is flash, so no comparisson ), and i can jump alright enough to dunk a basketball, I can run damn near a four minute mile, I mean how much more do you want? I may not be able to take the physical beating some of those guys can, but if I took roids (like they dont...) I am sure I could compete in that sense as well. I am not saying I have professional talent by any means (frankly I have not an once of talent comparied to thos guys), but I have plenty of athletic talent.I know thats foriegn to you Rick, so I can understand why your veiws are tainted.

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Rick, you make it to easy. First off you would be the easiest chop block in history, like taking candy from an ole man!

Second, I train daily, and although my carido shape is lacking right now, strength is not. If you have ever seen Ted Ginn Jr. well hes my size, exactly, and well I am have a stronger upper body then him, per OSU stats ( I mean if you want to compare to someone of that magnitude, similar in age as well ) I run a 4.4 fourty ( he is flash, so no comparisson ), and i can jump alright enough to dunk a basketball, I can run damn near a four minute mile, I mean how much more do you want? I may not be able to take the physical beating some of those guys can, but if I took roids (like they dont...) I am sure I could compete in that sense as well. I am not saying I have professional talent by any means (frankly I have not an once of talent comparied to thos guys), but I have plenty of athletic talent.I know thats foriegn to you Rick, so I can understand why your veiws are tainted.


I'd kinda like to see you try and tackle Rick with him in a full on run at you... ;)


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