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Qsl 7/23


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Just got home around midnight. Bit cool in the low spots, but otherwise a pleasantly uneventful ride back up.

Thanx to all who came out to meat us tonight. Was nice to see some of you again, and put faces with screenames for others. Gracias also for the multiple invites to go riding with you guys afterwards. Alan had come over from Dayton to hang with us too, and he's never been to QSL before.....So wanted him to be able to check it out.

Special thanx to Kristen & Shiddy for stayin' to hang with us after everyone left, and to Big Chief & Mike for cummin' out to the Pony early & wastin' their afternoon BS'in with us schlubs!! ;) Yota....Thanx for lettin' me pet your blowhole!! :D

Got a few pics I'll post up later....Nothin' major

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OH YEAH......DAMN my nether regions are chafed from wearin' those pants all day!!! :eek::D

BTW...Pedro......Should'a come out! I had a special shirt I was gonna wear for 'ya!! :lol:Shiddy said he would'a wore his too

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OH YEAH......DAMN my nether regions are chafed from wearin' those pants all day!!! :eek::D

BTW...Pedro......Should'a come out! I had a special shirt I was gonna wear for 'ya!! :lol:Shiddy said he would'a wore his too

Sorry, I got off work late last night and I was in my car too...:( Looks like you guys had a good time. I haven't been to Bike Night at Quaker in a long time..

Was your friend that rode with you the same one we all met at Iron Pony a month or two back?

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Just got home around midnight. Bit cool in the low spots, but otherwise a pleasantly uneventful ride back up.

Thanx to all who came out to meat us tonight. Was nice to see some of you again, and put faces with screenames for others. Gracias also for the multiple invites to go riding with you guys afterwards. Alan had come over from Dayton to hang with us too, and he's never been to QSL before.....So wanted him to be able to check it out.

Special thanx to Kristen & Shiddy for stayin' to hang with us after everyone left, and to Big Chief & Mike for cummin' out to the Pony early & wastin' their afternoon BS'in with us schlubs!! ;) Yota....Thanx for lettin' me pet your blowhole!! :D

Got a few pics I'll post up later....Nothin' major

Not a problem Its was a good time.

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Sorry, I got off work late last night and I was in my car too...:( Looks like you guys had a good time. I haven't been to Bike Night at Quaker in a long time..

Was your friend that rode with you the same one we all met at Iron Pony a month or two back?

Sam (SamBusa) came down with me last night. That was Kyle (BlitzBurgh) you met at the Pony last month. They both ride blue 'Busa's

it was cool meeting you guys (again)...sorry I was late, but I had a bad fuse which killed my turn signals + brake light
Where the hell'd you disappear to dude?!? I was cummin' over to talk to you.....and you were gone?!? Dayuuummmm....Cum late & pull out early why don'cha :rolleyes:rofl.gif
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Got a few group shots from our "Mini-Meat" at Cheeseburger in Paradise before we headed out for QSL. Sam's 'Busa & Mike's (BigChief's friend) yeller Suzy out front........


Here they're all makin' fun of some poor, dear, sweet 'ol lady who just went by on a scooter w/ pink full face helmet :wheelchair: No respect for our elderly from these young hooligans :nono:


Pirate Ben w/ 2 good eyes & an actual smile this time!! :D Shiddy on PB's left (Aren't they cute w/ their matching R1's?!? gayfight2.gif ), Mike on PB's right, Kristen, Keith (BigChief) & Sam to his right in the neon green Pony shirt, with Yota back there strokin' 'Birdy's tank!! lol.gif Kristen's blue Gixxer & Keith's red Tri are behind the twinkies ;)


I think I heard Ben asking Shiddy "Do these jeans make my ass look BIG"?!?


And the piece de' resistance......Big Chief found his HD soulmate last night rofl.gif


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so where the hell did u fags meet up? i went by the shell and no one was there...

Ummmmm.....Yeeaahhhh......I think us fags were pretty clear we weren't doin' the Shell/BP thing. Gotta read the WHOLE thread there Aaron ;) We gotta get you Hooked on Phonics tapes along with Nicky?!? :D You should'a PM'd me your celly so we could keep you in the loop

And thanx for leavin' me be the sole Honda to represent.....FAG :supergay:

BTW......'Bout 275 miles for me yesterday thumb.gif

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