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Google Earth


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There's a reason why alot of the Earth isn't mapped out in detail on Google Earth. See, Google was only able to map the parts of the world that they already own. They would have most likely broken some kind of copy right infringment laws if they had went ahead and mapped the parts of the Earth that Microsoft owns. Once Microsoft and Google sign their peace treaty, all hell is going to break loose for the inhabitants of planet Earth. It's going to be something like the Third Riech, hell the forth and fifth too for that matter. Aaaaand it's going to be funded by the two most powerful and wealthy organizations that exist, Google and Microsoft. I fear the day that they come to an agreement. Now on the flip side, I wish I had the extra money laying around to by some stock in Google. I think it's like around $450 a share now, once it splits, maybe then. We shall see.
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Actually, Google's stock took a mighty plunge just recently, though it's still well over $400 a share. Apparently, because Google refuses to allow market analysts crunch their numbers, the market is left to guess on what Google's quarterly earnings will be. Up to this point, they all underestimated Google's success, and that's why (or at least as I understand it) the stock has skyrocketed, since it's actually done very well. However, that approach came back to bite Google in the ass - because they made everyone guess again, the market analysts set Google's projected earnings too high, and, when Google didn't hit the projected marks, the bottom fell out of the stock, causing the drop. It's still a phenomenal stock, though, just a little closer to Earth now.


Anyway, cjackson, what you said was funny. Sorry to interrupt that with dorky shit.

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