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Need ignition key/code


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alright i have a 1998 monte carlo, and i went out to the bar last night took a cab home and lost my keys in the process. So i went to the dealership today and had them cut me a new key for the door and ignition -- doesnt work. So i call AAA and have them send out someone, well that guy says he cant do anything without the keycode, so my question is, how do i get ahold of a key code for my car? can anyone help me out with this, im about 45 miles from home and im in a complete strangers house using their internet. Thanks
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Guest racinbird

PM me you VIN, I can call GM roadside and TRY to get a code for you, I work for Caddy, so not sure if they will give it to me.


In the mean time try taking the ign key to a metal brush wheel on a bench grinder. The cut may be correct just may need some slight help. Also try calling a lock smith to make a new ign key, the resistor in the key can be read and matched by using an ohm meter. Unless they totally got your cut and resistor wrong, the chip may be correct.

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