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Spent the night in the ER


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Boy.. that was fun. NOT.


Yesterday, during the Super Bowl.. my wife started getting these REALLY sharp pains in her lower stomach. Time passed.. she went to work.. I went to work. She got in at the doc around 2:30ish. She calls me back at 3:00 saying that the doc told her to go to the ER.. it could be her appendix.. (shit).


So, 4:30ish rolls around and we hit up the ER. The fucker was PACKED.


We didn't get even into triage until 7:00. Then, had to wait again for a bed to open :(. So finally around 8:00ish she gets a bed. Go back. Blah blah.


Then she had to drink this nasty shit for a cat scan. She took the first drink ok, but then it came to the 2nd one. She got about 3/4 down and rhut rho, it comes back up. Damn. By this time, it's a good 10:30.


Finally they take her back for the cat scan. Comes back at 12:00ish and says that she has a cyst (sp?) on her ovary. Sucks.


So, no real treatment. She was feeling ok by then (they gave her drugs in order to take down that nasty shit to drink). We get the discarge papers, some Darvocet and we're on our way.


Fun fun. :(

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she has a cyst (sp?) on her ovary.


Sorry to hear. My wife has a few as well. It is pretty much preventing us from having kids. If they don't grow much they should be fine and sometimes they do go away on there own. But if they grow a lot and get too big the only treatment is to do a hystorectimy (sp?).

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Heh, next time it happens, tell them your chest hurts and your limbs feel numb (symptoms of a heart attack). They'll get you right in. Then, when the doctor comes, tell him that went away but your ____________ is fucked. ;)
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Guest Blackout GT

oh my goodess, i feel so bad for your wife.


but yes hospital's are a joke on how long you have to wait. i swear if i walked in carrying my head they would still make me wait.

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They did a piss test to check to see if she was prego. Doc comes in and asks "are you pregnant".. I look at the doc and say "she fucking better not be". (I got snipped two years ago).


Today she's feeling much better. Pain has pretty much gone. I still took the day off and so did she. I'm going to run to the pharmacy here in a few and get the drugs :).

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Doc comes in and asks "are you pregnant".. I look at the doc and say "she fucking better not be". (I got snipped two years ago).


Ahhahaha, I bet the doctor could have taken that comment the wrong way.


Glad to hear she is feeling better. Hopefully they just go away like some people said the can!

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Very sorry to herar about your wife. I hope all is well.


On a lighter note, your experiance reminded me of something that happend to me. This chick that I worked with had wanted to hook up with me for a while. I would joke with her, but not do anything. Finally we decided to hook up. We get back to my place and this chick was an animal. She was all over me like revenge fucking. So I felt obligated to give her what she wanted. There was quite a bit of thrashing on her part and then she just keeled over and fell on the floor. If she hadn't been wincing in pain I might have laughed. She said she was really sorry but had to leave, she didn't feel good. That was on a Friday. Monday I found out she went to the hospital. She said I had been hitting it so hard I rupsured a cyst. I felt bad and proud at the same time. Then she said she was fine and wanted to know when we could hook up again. LOL

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