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Wierd Hit and run.


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luckily my car wasn't involved. but fucked up none the less.


I am comming back from the gym and some dude passes me on Henderson going towards sawmill, dude is going 70+ mph in the 35 zone. well the lanes colapse into 1 lane and it looked like he rear ended this guy in a Camaro and then somehow got infront of him and stopped the car in the road not letting the camaro go.


i pull over in a parking lot and put my hazards on and get out. well the Old due in the Grey avalon is out of his car and beating up on the camaro on the driver side. I couldn't see the driver but i didn't know if they needed help so i got my beat-down bar out from under my seat and started going towards the camaro to see what this dudes problem is. he sees the beat down bar and takes off.


a grey lincoln navigator had seen it and stopped next to the camaro. by the time i got to my car they had left too i figured they were on a side street waiting for police but i didn't see them....in the process i was calling 911.



its a grey avalon late 90's style with a bald dude with grey white hair driving it. he wasn't black or hispanic. he was white from most people's defenitions. the avalon had a crack all the way down the back bumper somehow.


this shit definitely gets ur blood pumpin.

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my beat down bar is a 2.5 ft long breaker bar that broke at the head. it weighs prolly 7 lbs or so its a nice one.


i saw the guy moving towards the camaro and i didn't see anything on him so i figured i was ok. its just one of those things u don't have time to think.




yeah i catch the wierd ones, i'm not sure if i posted my past hit and run where i chased the mother fuckers on foot while on the phone with the police...that one was fun. urgh.

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