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Are we going with the process that being interested is more mentally stimulating than entertained? If so, then yes I totally agree with that statement. We can just look at our media and see that... none of it's really interesting - just most of it is entertaining to the majority of americans. I rarely even watch regular tv or anything anymore... the random smallville here or there and maybe something on cartoon network every now and then and that's it. The rest of it is all garbage :/



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Are we going with the process that being interested is more mentally stimulating than entertained? If so, then yes I totally agree with that statement. We can just look at our media and see that... none of it's really interesting - just most of it is entertaining to the majority of americans. I rarely even watch regular tv or anything anymore... the random smallville here or there and maybe something on cartoon network every now and then and that's it. The rest of it is all garbage :/






When I watch TV anymore, it's usually some kind of racing, or a Jackets game. Oh, and Adult Swim. I haven't watched a show on the main networks in a long time. I hate reality TV, too bad it's all that seems to be on anymore.

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Cases in point:

The Discovery Channel

The Learning Channel

Both have grown fat with "Edutainment" and just flat out mind numbing shows about choppers and poker. Dirty jobs is the only winner, being equaly interesting and entertaining. Top Gear is very interesting...in Britain. Why? Because it's british. I live in america, I know what the cars are like here. I've never seen a Megane or Spyker. Plus its rude and funny. Here, they are going to film their own version in AZ, likely to be poor entertainment and uninteresting. They cast a bloody reality show twit for gods sake.

Compare the popularity of NASCAR to the lack of intrest in "boring" F1, ALMS, Speed GT, and WRC races. Entertainment disguised as a sport is tenaciously embraced, while real motorsport that happens to be entertaining cant get a time slot.

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God, don't get me started on American Chopper. That show wore out its welcome after about 2 years. Now it's just old and boring. Dirty Jobs = greatest show on Discovery right now.


Speed is starting to change things. This year they're going to have 75 combined hours of Rolex Series coverage. That includes the 13 1/2 they had for the Rolex 24. All these sports car racing series will probably have to play second fiddle to NASCAR for a long time to come. So many people are raised to believe that NASCAR is the best form of racing. Plus, it's all American (for now) so it's got that appeal. I can't wait to hear the bitching from NASCAR die hards when the "Japs" join the series in the next few years. NASCAR is doing a good job of turning itself into a joke these days. It's a far cry from its roots and grows further every year. Maybe someday those "boring" racing series will start clawing their way to the top and NASCAR will be revealed as the shame it is.


Sorry for getting a little off topic.

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There exists NASCAR based romance novels, true story.


Speed is starting to change things. This year they're going to have 75 combined hours of Rolex Series coverage. That includes the 13 1/2 they had for the Rolex 24.

Thats not realy a change. Ask youself "Why does Grand Sham suck now?". for a year or so, I didn't know. Why did they change the rules? WTF are the Daytona prototype peices of shit getting passed by GT cars? Why have they dumbed down Grand Am? Why the hell would anyone sign Dale Jr.?

When you answer this question, it'll all make sence.

Who now owns Grand Am?

Jim France, of the family that ruined NASCAR.

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TV sucks. I listen to Glenn Beck in the morning, Rush in the afternoon. History channel and adult swim is about all I watch on TV.

Ok, law and order, also csi. Things that I can think about and try to come to the conclusion before the end of the show. Reality TV is absolute garbage.

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Who now owns Grand Am?

Jim France, of the family that ruined NASCAR.


I did not knows that. I enjoy Grand Am, though. It's certainly more entertaining than NASCAR. I didn't start watching it until last season, so I don't know how it was before, or what was done to make it suck, as you say.

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TV sucks. I listen to Rush in the afternoon.

I used to respect you. :nono: That guuyy is a tool, partisan isn't even the word for it. It's like he wants to be a republican Goebells, but he sucks at it. Plus he's a drug addict and has no real job other then bitching, and there for he is a worthless hippy.


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I used to respect you. :nono: That guuyy is a tool, partisan isn't even the word for it. It's like he wants to be a republican Goebells, but he sucks at it. Plus he's a drug addict and has no real job other then bitching, and there for he is a worthless hippy.




*wah* *wah*


Fucking crybaby liberal...

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I used to respect you. :nono: That guuyy is a tool, partisan isn't even the word for it. It's like he wants to be a republican Goebells, but he sucks at it. Plus he's a drug addict and has no real job other then bitching, and there for he is a worthless hippy.



About as partisan as the evening news. Nice to hear the other side and stuff that you wont hear elsewhere. All part of developing an informed opinion.

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