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Damnit No Job


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Yep woke up went into work this morning and thought all was ok, I got a warning letter about a month ago for my worthlessness. I don't know how this was not relayed to me or even an attempt to correct it was made before I got a warning letter but nonetheless that was the case. I didn't agree with it and I was totally blindsided and I really began to hate the people I worked with, especially two faced people. Anyway so I have a re rereview meeting with my boss and she leads me on big time telling me everything is fine she's going to be faced with some decisions and that maybe I should think about going after Cisco like I told her I wanted to. I'm like cool I can start looking hardcore or more then I was. So we have our department meeting and then about an hour later she comes looking for me. She asks me to follow her and she walks into HR at that point I knew I was done.


She was so two faced it pissed me off and I wanted to call her every name in the book. I remained calm didn't say crap to her and talked with our HR manager who really looked like she was shocked like I was. At first all I wanted to do was just yell and get pissed off but then I thought what good would that do. Here I am 26 years old and this is the second time I have lost a job. I guess they laid me off becuase I am eligible for unemployment and I got a WEAK severance package. So twice in the last 4 years I have been jobless and I'm out in the hunt again. Honestly I was unhappy there and I look at this as a stepping stone it made me get off my butt and really start going for that job I know I can get. Sometimes it takes that perverbial kick in the butt to get things moving. I'm not bitter I'm not sad and I'm not in bad shape. I have no doubt that I will be in a job again relatively soon.


Anyway just needed to type this out this isn't really a feel sorry for me post because I definitely don't feel sorry for myself at all. Below are the images of the letter I received, how pissed would you be?







Anyone know of anything I got a fresh resume....lol

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you'd be a contractor with a right to hire so you'd report to me... and with your last issues... I'd probably fire you :p


As far as John, I agree.... everytime we work on a project together I have to be drunk to put up with you.. besides, you'd only want to throw yourself in front of a bus cause I'd make you work all day.... no 10-2 work day for John. :D

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you'd be a contractor with a right to hire so you'd report to me... and with your last issues... I'd probably fire you :p


As far as John, I agree.... everytime we work on a project together I have to be drunk to put up with you.. besides, you'd only want to throw yourself in front of a bus cause I'd make you work all day.... no 10-2 work day for John. :D



Nice edit, bitch... He could work there and do what you do all day, email and bother me.

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Please do not take this the wrong way becasue i have the same complaints about me . Switch goals get out of break fix go heavy sysadmin/Network securtiy. there is more mony if you good at it. If your interested in Network security or meeting some people in it in columbus let me know I am one of the founders of dc614



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Please do not take this the wrong way becasue i have the same complaints about me . Switch goals get out of break fix go heavy sysadmin/Network securtiy. there is more mony if you good at it. If your interested in Network security or meeting some people in it in columbus let me know I am one of the founders of dc614





I'd love to get into that I just need a company to take that chance with me which they won't be sorry. Problem is I live in DC where there is an abundance of people with skill sets.

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I'd love to get into that I just need a company to take that chance with me which they won't be sorry. Problem is I live in DC where there is an abundance of people with skill sets.


Man I did not relize you were so far away. . Get involed with a local security group . I am sure there is a Defcon chapter there. talk to guys make friends find one thats in a high up position at somewere and get a job under him. then you get the skills to go further. Go after you Cissp and make bare min 60gs

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Its not really DeVry's fault it is this particular campus and only wanting Yes Men and Yes women working for them.



I'm not a fucking yes man and I refuse to be If I think something is wrong I won't EVER be afraid to voice my opinion.


I was talking about the whole industry mainly.

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I'm not a "yes man" and voice my opinion openly.


Unfortunately, Tommy and myself fall into a group of people very strong-willed but working in a career that requires the daily ass-kissing of corporate bureaucrats. I've lost a job or two because of it, along with being written up for being "overbearing" with people and not understanding the sensitivity of their needs (demands more like it).


Bullshit. Tommy, shit happens for a reason. It'll get better, trust me :)

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