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Pulled over for my exhaust!~ hah!


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I got pulled over by a Groveport cop 2 miles after i "reved my engine at him" i down shifted and i guess it was to loud for him. He followed me up hamilton pulled me over and even bent down and looked at my exhuast. 3" straight pipe all the way back, he told me i better quite it down and never said anything about not having a Catalytic converter.


Cops should be out looking for burglers, killers, and rapest, not normal joes that they happen to prey upon.

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Cops should be out looking for burglers, killers, and rapest, not normal joes that they happen to prey upon.


werd on that. Im definitly not going to get a TRD kazuma exhaust now since I know I will get pulled over for it. Its 110 decibles atleast for "offroad or track use only"

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The groveport police don't have a lot to do. They are notorious for the minor infringements. Those are no less illegal, but you get the picture.


I guess it's good that they don't have anything else to do. That means there aren't many burglars or rapists around. I wish all the police had to do was stop us for minor equipment violations.

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i got pulled over for loud exhaust once, right before i pulled into the thrift store. It was funny because the cop said it was vibrating the stuff in his car. Although he was cool and he said he liked the sound of the cam. He then started asking questions about the nitrous tank in the car. but he was cool and let me go.
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haha yeah thats too funny!


Be nice to have cops pull ya over and ask questions about your car.. last time I got pulled over and had a nice cop it was from going through the gears in front of Ford on west Broad. Got nailed by the suburban, the cruiser and the detective behind him, I rollled down the window (tinted) and hes like "oh your a girl " lol haha Hes like nice dricing Mario Andretti... hahaha I got a starting without safety I think lol I was ready to pee my pants.. helps to be a girl sometimes lol ahahh

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Funny story:


A few years back, I was riding shotgun in my mom's '98 C5 vert (her driving, no front plate) on our way to tour Ohio Northern college. We were heading north on Rt. 23 and were stuck in a crowd of people behind a state trooper. Nobody would pass this guy who was barely going the speed limit. Well, she got ballsy and decided to ease on by him at maybe 56-57 mph. Wouldn't you know, as soon as we get in front of him, he flips on his damn lights.


Well, this sends her into a womanly rage. "That asshole's only pulling us over because we're in a Corvette..." So, we pull over on the side of the road, and the statey comes strolling up to her window. Also, being that the car sits so low, I don't think he realized I was sitting in the passenger seat. The conversation went like this:


Him: "Ma'am, do you know why I pulled you over?"

Her: "I honestly have no idea"

Him: "Well, I pulled you over because I saw that you have no front license plate"

Her: "o rly?"

Him: ''ya rly"

Her: "Well, I must have just forgotten to put it on when I bought it"

Him: "Ma'am, we are constantly looking at front plates to try to identify stolen vehicles...blah blah blah."

Her: "Oh, well this one isn't stolen, so it's no big deal"

Him: "Well ma'am, it is a big deal. What's it going to take for you to put the license plate on the front of the vehicle?"

Me (who'd been silent the whole time): " Two screws and a screwdriver"

Him: < Bends down> < Evil glare> "I'm going to let you off with a verbal warning, and you folks have a nice day"



...and off we went. Never did put that ugly ass plate on the car though.

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Funny story:



Him: "Well ma'am, it is a big deal. What's it going to take for you to put the license plate on the front of the vehicle?"

Me (who'd been silent the whole time): " Two screws and a screwdriver"

Him: < Bends down> < Evil glare> "I'm going to let you off with a verbal warning, and you folks have a nice day"



...and off we went. Never did put that ugly ass plate on the car though.



hahahaha, that was hilarious.

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My brother beat a loud muffler ticket in Cleveland last year. Just ask the cop was "excessive" means, and ask to see his decibel meter readout from when he made the determination that you were too loud. The judge wasn't too happy with the cop, I guess the guy was padding his resume or something that week!
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Guest wesxprs

Amy, I got popped in GC a couple of years ago for "excessive crackling exhaust noises." Gotta love a SLP Loudmouth, had one on my GP, it draws some attention.


Saw you a couple of weeks ago on Stringtown, I was at National City. Your Stang looks and sounds fantastic.



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Guest aftermidnight
lesson to be gained.....i live in the country and you can run open headers at 2am and it's like "fuck it".....suchs that some cops have to be bored enough to pick at the little shit.
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