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2-25 tonght


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You will not get to see it. They will block off the road. We don't need any accidents, so if you think you are going to follow I would stay home. Only people who are racing for money will be allowed to go I hope......


I will be heading up to just hang out before hand......

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I saw a guy do that once, it got ugly once the pics were posted in public... :)


Ugly? My man, you have no fucking idea just what kind of ugly that whole batch of pictures led to...


As I said, if I even thought there was a 1% chance of you showing up I'd bring out this POS Cobra and drag your ass all around 270.


LOL - Matt with the ownage.


Seriously, though, I'm with Matt - my mystic powers are telling me this guy isn't showing tonight. Not to say that I don't want him to - it's just all too, well, weird.


BTW, I'm drunk. And Johnny Bravo. Ask anybody you know.

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I am pulling the car down off stands as I promised I would be there when you ran Sam. The car is not nearly ready, but I said I would be out.... I was just assuming it would be springish.


If you do not show up, I will be very annoyed.


Quoted for the integrity of this post. My man's stepping up to the plate, true to his word.

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