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Later Bitches


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Hey Ben - eat a dick! :)


Oh and ya better beat Brad and qualify for a trip to SC while you are at it! Good luck.


Oh and I hate you.




I'm getin on a plane for sunny and warm Phoenix in 3 hours. Have fun in the cold. I'll drink a few for ya at the ASU bars while lookin at women in spagetti strap tops and thongs stickin out....7 days of fun, might just make the drive one night to Vegas....
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Back from Phoenix last night. Look what I brought back with me for you guys.



No pics boys, what happens in the west stays in the west....


Although I did play Disc Golf well and brought back more cash home than I left with. It was a great Tournament and I could have putted better. I got beat by 20 but I beat a lot of people. It cost me $135 to play. The top 5-7 players do not have jobs and play disc Golf for a living. If I quit my job I would shoot the same scores as them.


B. Botte




I'm moving there as soon as I can convince the wife to move away from the family for a while. Weather was 75-80 and sunny everyday. They haven't had rain there in 139 days! Over a third of a year... Ohio sucks.....




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3 days 1 round of 18 holes each day for 4-5 hours a day....all other time was spent partying at bars n such at ASU. I had a great time, yes I won $650 but spent $135 to play. I play in the highest skilled division.



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