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I don't care if anyone metions the word mom haha. The STi was my dad's car and I was drving it around untill I got a new one because I had sold my previous car, and before anyone asks, no I did not pay for the car entirely.
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john is the young man who asked me to stop poking fun at stiracers dead mother, even though i wasnt doing that.


Hmm... if you were to look over in the section that shows my information when I post you will see that my name is David not John. Just to help you out with that.

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yeah, so much for my reading ability.


Ha ha its all good.


I'll lend you the money for the pulley, at an interest rate of 10% a day compounded daily


Your probably about to offer me something along those lines too so I can pay you all the money back that I owe you. :)

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  stiracer said:
I heard that you have a cobra or did? What do you have done to it?


Yeah, I had an 03 Cobra. Mods were a pulley/chip/CAI/catback exhaust, and spray. On a 50-shot, it put down 530rwhp and 680rwhp. On an 80-shot, it owned a whole bunch of people from a roll.

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  stiracer said:
That's a lot of hp for not too much cash. I already have CAI and c/b exhaust so I think my next move will be pulley.


Yup, that should definitely be your next mod. It will net you in the area of about 40 to 50 hp to the wheels.

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  1slowcavi said:

Your probably about to offer me something along those lines too so I can pay you all the money back that I owe you. :)

No, your rate it ALOT higher...... something along the lines of 50%. So you should start working all the ovetime you can get :cool:

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No, I transferred to Groveport, where they don't have lions running around attacking people and stealing babies and dragging them into the forests.




No, your rate it ALOT higher...... something along the lines of 50%. So you should start working all the ovetime you can get


I am going to have to start working overtime so I can just afford gas. Damn I need a daily bad. I have something in the works though. But look at it on the bright side Billy at least you didn't charge $700 on your credit card for me like Corbin had to do for Cavins sorry ass. I mean damn you would think he would have money when his mom is Cheryl from Cheryl cookies ha ha ha. I at least have an excuse for being broke.

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