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Ef Love

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this is what happens when your beligerant drunk at someone's house...



(art work by: camden, picture by: andy)


hahaha... marc (mad mailbu)


i love you marc, but zak and camden and i voted, and you lost.




oh yeah, no deleting of this thread...

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umm...shoes or not, you earned this by being as drunk as you were and camden told you that. first off, making me hold you up while taking a piss on the side of the house=not cool point #1. trying to pull zak down=not cool point #2. taking swings at people and missing and then falling into the garage door guide thingy...=not cool point #3.


for those 3 points, you got permanent marker on your face, pictures taken, and pictures posted.


have a nice day.


keep in mind, i had no part in this, other than posting them up here...




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the shoes were off? then you done fucked up and broke the rules.


in most cases, i'd agree...but you weren't there, you didn't see him and what he was doing/saying. but yes, in most cases i would agree...he was just asking for it. i'm sure if you were there, you'd want to see it "go down" the way it did.


and for the last time, i had no part in the drawing/art work...another person did. i just posted the pictures.



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no, if a man's shoes are off, you don't write shit.


you tell the ugliest, fattest bitch at the party to go take advantage of his sorry ass




as the "old man" in this thread, i will regulate.


(anthony's older than me, but he has kids and stuff and knows nothing about party fouls)


if the shoes are off, then no matter what transgressions have occurred during the nights festivities, the game is over. thats like picking a fight with a dude who already got a game misconduct penalty. hes off the ice, in the locker room. looks like its time for the league to levy a fine against someone.


besides, you should be thinking of ways to get at the mo-fos that still ARE on their feet. sounds like marc got you guys pretty good while he was up, and if you couldnt think of a way WITHIN THE RULES to make him pay, then thats your fucking fault.


oh, and another thing, everyone of you is fucking guilty. "i didnt do the drawing" is not a viable excuse. you ARE your brothers keeper, and when one of you fucks up, all of you fuck up.


look guys, these rules are here for your safety and self esteem, not to mention the safety of people youre not even thinking of. even when your partying and having a good time, your actions affect not only you and the people at the party, but others as well. if youre going to blatantly ignore them, then youve essentially hit the big red button with the radiation symbol on it. no one will be safe, and your party going experience will degenerate into a bunch of drunks out on the road driving home because they can find no solace on the couch or the floor to sleep it off. im sure even you can agree that drunks driving home is good for no one. not the drunks, not the drunks friends, and not the rest of us on the roads on the way home. keep it safe, let the man sleep, and spend that time thinking of a less cliche way to "pwn" him.


c'mon now guys, think a little.


so, in conclusion, i find that the three people in question are guilty of a "disturbing the peace/reckless endangerment" party foul of the first degree, and a lesser crime of "unoriginal owning" in the third degree. your sentance will be to apologize to marc here or in person, and to buy him two(2) shots of his favorite drink the next time you are in a situation with him wheres its socially acceptable to do so. also, the third degree crime carries with it a probationary period of one month. improve the quality of your pranks, or face the consequences. failure to comply will lead to further action being taken against you.


<yes, im serious>

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^thanks, but no thanks.



your uncompliance has basically earned marc a free ride to do whatever the fuck he feels like doing next time you guys get drunk. He could not fulfil his fraternal duty to tell you that the chick that's so interested you has an adam's apple, he can embarass you in front of any bitch you're trying to mack on, he can give you an atomic wedgie during a $500 pool game. He could fart on your nose when you pass out with photodocumentation of the incident and you would have it coming.


P.S. marc, take all those suggestions to heart.


Guy code is something I take seriously.



EDIT: ef love, your sig is unoriginal and dated....change that shit

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but he did "deserve" this if not worse for what he did.


basically the night:

-marc went to bar with work buddies

-marc got retarted drunk and called everyone he knew more than 10 times to come pick his ass up which was over a half an hour away.

-basically begged us to come pick him up

-in the car, he was "touching/grabbing" the driver in inappropriate places...

-he tried opening the car door while car was still on the road.

-went to wendy's, and he ordered taco bell...

-came home, fell out of the car on to me...and took a piss on the side of the house while making me hold him up.

-came inside, did a samuri flip over the couch and knocked over a hand full of beer bottles in my friends new house.

-repeated him self countless (over 100 i'm assuming) times "my boss spent over $2000 on alcohol"; "what would you do if your boss spent over $2000 on alcohol for you?"...

-uncalled for slapping and hitting throughout the whole night (slapped me in the face for bringing him water and or giving him a cigarette).

-hanging on to everyone while leaning as far over as possible to see "how far" he could go.

-took a swing at someone, fell straight forward into the tracking for a garage door (if you see him, ask him what happened to his face...)

-burned someone with a cigarette...

-waisted 3/4 of a beer...after we told him no more drinking.


if i think of anything else, i'll post it up.



-unleashed a full bottle of water on 3 people outside in 20degree weather

-head butted someone in the ear, which "just" got pierced.


retaliation and whether or not he deserved it, is not the issue here...


enjoy the funny picture of marc.



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Did Marcs pooper hurt in the morning too?


not that i know of...



after talking to him on the phone a minute ago, marc says i'm in the clear, and the person(s) involved in the drawing on the face are not.


he also agreed to saying the morning after that he did deserve this. i just had to remind him.



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Zach, if you keep whining about if you're in the clear or not, i'm going to shame you out of annoyance. :rolleyes:


Oh, Zach, you're 18. When you are out of your little highschool phase you will realize that 99% of the people on this board, and all of our friends have had a night like I had Friday. Some of them have had many more than a night like that, where I was on the opposite end taking care of their stupid ass. Just like I will when it happens to you. Stop acting like a child and taking things said so personal. You dont have to defend yourself against every little thing said.



PS - my face is scratched...it will be gone and un-noticable by Friday. :rolleyes:

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he also agreed to saying the morning after that he did deserve this. i just had to remind him.



to quote clint eastwood in the movie "unforgiven"..


"deserves got nothin to do with it".


every third customer i see today will "deserve" to get choke slammed.

nitrousbird joe "deserves" to never have a running car ever again unless its an import with a big wing.

sam "deserves" herpersghonasyphalaids for boning everything he sees with no condom.

half the people on this forum "deserve" to be put through remedial english classes or have shock collars permanently affixed to their necks.


marc "deserved" to get pwned last night, but you broke the code, and so you must suffer.


you are not above the law.

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doesn't matter what he did during the night. the mans shoes were off he was intentionally going to sleep not passing out..... writing on his face in this situation is cheap.


trust me i think its funny but u done broke the rule.

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marc you ass was in on mine and brandons marking on the face when our shoes were off. which means i get to kick you in the dick. i win.


other than that drawing on people faces while passed out is the suck. true fucking story.



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DJ's discourse is compelling and, I think, completely accurate.


Also, like Berto said, it doesn't matter what Marc did through the course of the night. Tell me, how exactly are drunk people supposed to act??? They're fucking drunk, you idiot. That's what drunk fucking people do.


His shoes were off; at that point, he was off limits, regardless of what he did prior. Like DJ said, you should have exacted retribution prior to that terminal event; if he smacked you, then you should have jacked his ass up right then, not wait until he's crashed. Marc wins this case. Open and shut.

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