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Driving Test Question

DTM Brian

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Brian, I passed (first time) it on a 1989 Honda Shadow 1100. It's a big ass crusier bike. No turning radius, and difficult to handle at low speeds due to being a heftier machine, not too mention I'm a little hefty too. They say the smaller the bike the better though. I watched a kid on a gixxer 750 with temp tags drop it during the cone weave, and they failed him instantly. Kinda felt bad for him, but really didn't. He couldn't even reach the ground from the bike unless he tilted it to the side pretty far. As long as you can turn almost at lock, left or right, and do it really slow, without hitting the ground with the bike or your feet, you should be ok.
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If you take one of the Safety Courses offered by the State, upon completion, you automatically get your license. You have a few hours of in-class instruction on a Friday evening. Then 8 hours Sat and Sun on a little 125 or 250 bike (Honda, Buell and some others). Very, very easy.



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The MSF course is the easiest way, but he would have to wait for an opening or get really lucky to get a walk in. The figure 8 in a box is the only tough part. Like they all said clutch control and practice low speed lock to lock turns. Don't let your nerves get to you.
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Brian, if you go to the DMV office on west broad st, they have the course setup (dots on the pavement) in the parking lots.


I believe that the area behind the old JC Penney in Westland malls parking is also setup - I know I saw a bunch of Buells out there doing the MSF (I assume this was an AD Farrow class or something).


The actual driving test, IIRC correctly consists of 4 parts:

1) Braking test. You have to accelerate to 15-20 mph, then brake once you cross a line. The idea is to stop before a certain point. They deduct points for going to far. It sounds easy, but it is pretty difficult to get it under that point - you have to brake pretty hard.


2) Turning test. Basically they have setup something like this:


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you drive in from the bottom and must turn inside this box without crossing over either line. It sounds easy, but it isn't if you haven't done it yet.


3) Cone weave. They set cones up offset from a senter line like:


You must weave through them (obviously). They are offset pretty far from center (like 2 feet) and probably spaced 10-15 feet apart.


4) Figure 8 inside of a small rectangular box. This is the one that gets most people. If you put your foot down, you lose points. If you cross outside the box, you lose points.


I believe that is it. If you put your feet down, you lose points. If you drop your bike, you fail automatically.


I HIGHLY recommend you take the MSF class - you get to use their bikes (125 or 250 ccs) and practice the course for basically two days. On the final day you actually take the test (using their bikes).


I couldn't get signed up, so instead I sat in on the class on Wednesday. They have a lottery so that if someone doesn't show up for the wednesday class, they draw numbers of 'standbys'. Unfortunately I didn't get drawn, but I still sat in the class - if someone doesn't show on Saturday morning when they being the actual riding they will let you take their place. Come Saturday morning, 3 people didn't show up, so I was in. If you do get in, do NOT be late. They give you like 3 minutes or so extra, but if you show up 10 minutes past the start time, you will not be allowed in.

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I never had to do any figure test, I took mine at the west broad location. There was a sweeping left turn, take off fast, stop in shortest distance, Obstacle avoidance, ( just get moving at like 15 or so, and turn sharply at the last moment to avoid a painted line). Cone weave, and a sweeping right. There was no figure 8 box or anything however.
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