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Sam Owes me a pair of boxers


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Guest powers
Can you not read, Greg? I see the difference between what you and Dan did. You had permission to talk about how cool your friends cars are; Dan didn't. That, sir, is the difference.


That is not the only difference. I do not post in threads about how sam will own you or how you may be fast but tilley is faster. That is the difference. No one had said a word about Matt, but someone had to come in and say yeah well 169 isn't fast becasue Tinman will pass you.


I set up races and ask questions. Like I said you cannot support your arguement that I bench race other peoples cars. So I guess having my grammar graded is the only thing you can attach me on. I seem to do ok for a guy who can't structure a paragraph.

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Guest powers
You do sound anal when Tinman's car is mentioned you have nothing to worry about there is enough seats at the cool table you will be alright. Oh yeah I don't bench race anyones car but I respect cool shit and I'm not afraid to say it.

i have never once said anything negative about Matt or his car.

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I do not post in threads about how sam will own you or how you may be fast but tilley is faster..edit..Like I said you cannot support your arguement that I bench race other peoples cars..edit.. So I guess having my grammar graded is the only thing you can attach me on. I seem to do ok for a guy who can't structure a paragraph.


Greg, I honestly have better things to do than rummage through old threads to point out your hypocrisy. I will say that I am by far not the only person that notices how you do this on a (seemingly) weekly basis.


It's ok that you do this, no one dislikes you any less for it. I was simply pointing it out.


Normally I wouldn’t have attacked your grammar. But, you felt propelled to call me stupid while using terrible grammar and sentence structure. Basically, you owned yourself.


And who said anything about you not doing well for yourself? I don't think anyone could contest the fact that you are doing OK. I think you said it best with "I'm fat because I can afford to eat" (or something to that extent). :)


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Are you kidding me? You are harping on other people for being 'sack riders'?? You might be <and I’m being dead serious here> the biggest sack rider EVER to grace CR with his presence.


All I ever read from you is about how you are Tillys, Sams and Linns fucking bookie. You are constantly trying to set up races for them, never actually running your car. To be honest Greg, I can't remember the last time I saw you out driving your car. I understand it's been down for awhile undergoing a turbo build up, which is fine, yet you're still on here talking shit. I also seem to remember a certain thread involving a Bullitt Mustang from up North where you said something to the extent of "You guys have no idea who you are dealing with here. He might have the fastest car ever!!1!1" (I paraphrased...not Greg's actual words).


Just relax a little, mind your own fucking business that relates to you and your car, and lay off of everyone else. Please. I think we're all tired of reading your douche bag posts.





*Greg, before you get pissed, take what I said with a grain of salt. Afterall, it's only the internet.


I said that months ago. All I got back from him was how I am some poor stupid military guy. Greg unlike Marc, I don't like you but I shut up and keep out of conversations involving you as a courtesy to the rest of CR so they don't need to sort through all of the bullshit. I guess your name of Don King is fitting, all I EVER see you do on here is talk shit for other people. You are a sack rider you just don't know it. My $.02, awaiting your incomprehendable psycho-babble as to how I am a loser and poor and wasting my life in the military, because honestly I could care less about what Sam and Tilley's bookie thinks of me, cuz I never see you ever amounting to anything else.


BTW I won't race you for $200 to pay for your race gas, because again I am a poor, stupid military guy, so think of something else to come back at me with, cuz everything you have is old!

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Guest powers

Well if I talk so much shit for everyone else it should be easy to show me an example but I guess not.


I have never said anything negative about Matts car nor have I madecomments about it person to anyone.


Unless someone in this thread can back up their statements I guess this is a my grammar sucks thread again.

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Well if I talk so much shit for everyone else it should be easy to show me an example but I guess not.


I have never said anything negative about Matts car nor have I madecomments about it person to anyone.


Unless someone in this thread can back up their statements I guess this is a my grammar sucks thread again.


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Guest powers
Greg, does this look familiar?


"Hey Josh, my friend with an STI would like to get some. For money if possible from a roll."


Looks like you're bench racing someone else's car to me...:confused:


No that is real racing not bench racing. Alex is not a member here and when I called him he asked me to hook it up.

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No that is real racing not bench racing. Alex is not a member here and when I called him he asked me to hook it up.


So you called Alex to ask him if he would like to race someone else? Why not let the man speak for himself? Wait, he probably doesnt have a computer so he needed you to do it for him right? Or are you just his bitch?


Either way man, everyone know's you swing. Once again, it's ok...seriously. No one thinks anyless of you than they already did. :)


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Guest powers
So you called Alex to ask him if he would like to race someone else? Why not let the man speak for himself? Wait, he probably doesnt have a computer so he needed you to do it for him right? Or are you just his bitch?


Either way man, everyone know's you swing. Once again, it's ok...seriously. No one thinks anyless of you than they already did. :)


Actually at the time he didn't have a computer and I did call him. He is always asking me to find him action.


I just realized why you can't seperate bench racing from the real thing. You have no clue what the real thing is like, as the internet is your life.

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Actually at the time he didn't have a computer and I did call him. He is always asking me to find him action.


I just realized why you can't seperate bench racing from the real thing. You have no clue what the real thing is like, as the internet is your life.


Greg, did you honestly just retort with "the internet is your life"? :lol:


You should lose your broker license for that dumbass insult. Better yet, you should kill yourself before you have children and pass that stupidity down. :rolleyes:


When Darwin said "Only the strong survive" he obviously didn’t mean the strong minded.


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It is possible for you to make a post and (1) not reference how much better some other city is for whatever reason and (2) not bash Columbus in the process?


Fuck, all I read out of you is shit like, "Houston is so much better than Columbus, blah blah blah."




Chill! It's really not that big a deal is it!?! :confused:


(1) I didn't post about another city being better, just that ATC isn't that busy at CMH and odds are it won't work in anyones favor. That would make it better for C-bus because you won't have the flight delays, etc.


(2) In no way was that a bash. As a matter a fact I will put in a application at CMH when my service commitment ends. Anything to get out of arm pit Dayton... :(


(3) Where in this thread did I say anything about Houston? That was in one maybe two threads a while ago so please let it rest. Sorry if it offended you but C-Bus is still cool..... ;)


Now get that damn Vette running so I can watch you pull me (current mods) on the big end. :D


Josh :cool:

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