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Big Chief201

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I learned something interesting about the steelers the other day...

their jersey numbers actually mean something, which is unique to the NFL

quarterbacks, defensive backs, and running backs use their IQ as their jersey number...

and since they've run out of all the low numbers by then, the rest of the players just measure their waist line...

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For all the Brownies fan....

At a custody hearing, a judge was taking testimony from the little boy whose parents recently divorced. The judge asked him if he’d like to live with his mom. He said, “No, she beats me.”

The judge said, “OK, how about your dad ?”

“No,” the little boy replied. “He beats me too.”

“Any of your grandparents ?”

“No, they beat me too.”

The judge was perplexed. “Then who would you like to live with ?”

The little boy said, “I’d like to live with the Cleveland Browns, because they don’t beat anybody.”

How is a dollar better than the Cleveland Browns ?

- At least from the dollar, you get four good quarters.

And I didn't forget you Bungals fans...

Q. What's the difference between the Cincinnati Bengals & the Taliban?

A. The Taliban has a running game

Q. What do the Cincinnati Bengals & Billy Graham have in common?

A. They both can make 60,000 people stand up & yell "Jesus Christ" !

Q. How do you keep a Cincinnati Bengal out of your yard?

A. Put up goal posts

Q. What do you call a Cincinnati Bengal with a SuperBowl Championship ring?

A. A thief

Q. Why doesn't Dayton Ohio have a professional football team?

A. Because then Cincinnati would want one

Q. What do you call 47 people sitting around a TV watching the NFL playoffs?

A. The Cincinnati Bengals

Q. What do the Cincinnati Bengals and possums have in common?

A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road

Q. How can you tell when the Cincinnati Bengals are going to run the


A. The back leaves the huddle with tears in his eyes

Four Cincinnati Bengals in a car, who's driving?

The police.

The Bengals had a 8 and 5 season this year: 8 arrests (literally), 5


How do the Bengals spend their first week at mini-camp?

Studying the Miranda Rights.


Go Steelers!


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LOL, I knew you were going to post in this thread. That Steelers emblem is like the sign they use to summon Batman. :)

You know me too well! A little football trash-talking always catches my attention, especially when Clowns/Bungles fans chime in. The Clowns haven't done anything since Jim Brown was wearing a leather helmet. The Bungles haven't done anything since...well...since forever! Ickey Woods retired and Boomer choked against the 49'ers.

Satan, feel free to lock this thread...as usual, Stillers win!

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