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Felony HA!


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I won't lock this because I want him to read about what an idiot he is for posting this. This is nothing to brag about. Get your shit together, don't drive drunk. People like you are one of the many reasons my insurance rates are so high.
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Being in uniform actually made one cop all the more pissed off when I got a speeding ticket once, because "I think I'm above the law".. :rolleyes:. But yeah congrats on getting off easy on that one. Anybody who bitches about drunk drives is a complete hypocrite because we've all done it at least a few times.


Nope. I understand the actions, and the resulting consaquences and have never driven intoxicated.

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I have a few times before, I cant lie. But, it was only a few times. Last time I drove drunk was in Columbia Missourri, going back to the hotel from a bar, got pulled 50 feet from my room. Cop was fresh out of the academy. Needless to say, that I failed all tests he gave me except the eye test(passed it a few different times) and the guy let me go, after a 10 minute talk about drinking and driving, etc.. I considered that my one and only chance, and have not driven drunk since, not even if I have had a sip or two.
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dumb post, dumb responses, no one is gonna feel better about themselves after this thread...just lock it.



I can see how people are trying to feel better about themselves here .....wait no i can't! We all know its wrong, some still do it BUT WE DON'T POST ABOUT IT (look now you made me scream) there is the diff.

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Dude thanks for serveing for us we all thank you but the fact that you drink and drive is REAl bad but then to brag about getting off for it I just lost alot of respect for you man. I have not seen you in a long time but judgeing from this and other post, you might need to seek help from aa or the like
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Guest Removed
Dude thanks for serveing for us we all thank you but the fact that you drink and drive is REAl bad but then to brag about getting off for it I just lost alot of respect for you man.



plus 1 for the :thumbdown

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So I was drunk @ the Skye bar on campus, 250$ tab+, haven't drank in 5 months. Well after making out with a very young lookin 28 year old, I go to leave for some reason. Well low and behold I spun tire at a light get pulled over. Well cop knows I'm drunk as a skunk, I completely failed my DUI test and get to sit in back of the car. Well, there was no search and no cuffs on my hands. To cut it short, my military ID + veteran cop of Desert Storm + CPD= me gettin $110 unecessary spinning of tires instead of jail etc.. I WIN! Bet nobody else can get out of a DUI like me :)

MORAL = If you spend $250 drinking, don't drive and act stupid.


I'm confused... are you proud of getting out of a felony? Spending too much money at a bar? Chirping your tires/driving like a moron? Driving drunk? I guess it doesnt matter, none of those are things to be proud of.


The worst part is that you THINK you made out with a young looking 28 year old... after $250 of alcohol I guess most women would look like that.


You win? No, you Lose. HA! :rolleyes:

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Guest FrancesTheMute
Can a mod please lock this tread? It's all been said. This isn't going anywhere.


No, it's much easier to bash and criticize others than look at yourself and your own faults and learn from someone else's mistake. I don't agree with what he did, but he obviously learned his lesson. If you're going to continue posting in the thread, stop fucking bashing him and how about try and help him out, not see who can call him a bigger idiot.


And there's my two cents. He learned his lesson, let's move on.

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