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NHRA - firejacket required for a non-factory turbo/sc/nitrous?


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Yall just scare the shit out of me. Bitching about SAFETY RULES?!?!?!? Just how many of you have at least witnessed a nitrous backfire if not had first hand experience with it.


Yes, it's expensive to buy the shit, and it need replaced every 5 years to remain certified, it's just part of going fast, you are gonna pay if you want to play. And remember that it's still cheaper to buy the safety gear and the spray than it is to build a N/A motor that will go the same speed.

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I whole-heartedly concur with firejackets for sprayed cars. Most of the NO2 systems I see at the track are shitboxed together by morons. Not saying "all", just "most".


The laptop I also understand, but they should be allowed for time trials, and the PDA thing is F-ing BULLSH*T!! Anyone with a PowerPDA for their diesel is sh*t-canned from racing, automatically!!


The rest of it is pretty sh*tty, too, especially when I see cars at test-and-tunes that shouldn't be allowed on the road, much less on a track.


Last time I was at the Trails, they let in an S-10 with the bottom of the B-pillar/door frame completely rusted away. You could stick your entire arm in the F-ing hole! Now, that's the crap they need to crack down on.

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Does anyone know how heavily they are enforcing these rules? Especially the jacket stuff?



when i go thru tech at trails, i leave the bottle in the pits and tell them im not spraying!!!!


then before i hid the lanes, pop the bottle back in! :cool:

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