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Firefucks FTL


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I just installed it and so far don't like it at all... how can i get this app to let me see the file menu without pressing ALT first? that is fucking ghey...


besides the fact that IE now looks like a MAC browser which makes me want to puke.

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and ben, youre right, ms probably does do a lot of reverse engineering. that being said, how come only like 10% of the populace digs macs? if theyre so "smrt" over there, youd think theyd be able to produce something the masses would be more akin to use. im not hating, im just asking.



Have you heard of this little thing called an iPod? http://www.apple.com/ipod/ipod.html


Or how about the Mac Mini? http://www.apple.com/macmini/


Just as an example of Apple always being on the cutting edge, check out their new MacBook Pro: http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/


It has a magnetic power connection, so no more snagging the power cable and pulling the laptop off the desk. You may think that's pretty stupid, but I've easily fixed 30+ laptop displays because of this exact scenario.


Nobody beats Apple when it comes to style, design, and innovation. True story. Maybe you are just used to settling for less? Maybe you think the blue screen of death is your PC showing affection? Maybe the everyday updating of your OS makes you smile? Maybe having the next release of your OS delayed multiple times gives you faith in the company? Maybe Bill Gates turns you on? Maybe the three finger salute makes you tingle inside? I don't know. I started out as a Windows guy. But when I first used OS X in 2000, I switched. Joke about it all you want, but Macs rock. FreeBSD rocks. Opensource rocks. Windows ftl.

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I never liked Firefox.. IE + popupstopper pro FTW



This is exactly the case for every Microsoft user... you have to supplement their software with something else to make it worth a shit. How does that make it a good product?????

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Of the few customer homes I go into that have Macs, I estimate 50% of those customers are gay. So I'd just have to assume that 50% of CR Macs users must also pack fudge from time to time. ;)


I hate Macs. I'll fully admit that OSX is FAR better than OS 8 and 9 (god I had the operating system, and you'd be surprised how many people still run it, just like how many people still run Win 98). That said, I never really enjoyed OSX all that much either.


As for Apple hardware, I'm not into paying that sort of price for PC stuff.

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I use Firefox with the little IE viewer extension. Whenever I have a problem with FF, I just right click and view in IE. No biggie. I agree that FF sucks on some sites....but for the most part it's makes internet life much easier. +1 for Tab Browsing.
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Of the few customer homes I go into that have Macs, I estimate 50% of those customers are gay. So I'd just have to assume that 50% of CR Macs users must also pack fudge from time to time. ;)


I hate Macs. I'll fully admit that OSX is FAR better than OS 8 and 9 (god I had the operating system, and you'd be surprised how many people still run it, just like how many people still run Win 98). That said, I never really enjoyed OSX all that much either.


As for Apple hardware, I'm not into paying that sort of price for PC stuff.





Marc is gay. He uses Windows.


Joe, you like the cock (and we have photographic evidence of this), and you are a Winblowz user.


Anthony is, well, Anthoy. And he uses Windows.


Chris Green? Hello? Shampoo king? Yeah, a Windows fan also.


Desperado? Windows.


Blubyu? Windows.


Eflove? Windows.


Are you noticing a trend here???????? I'm expecting the typical, "yeah, when everyone uses Windows you'll have a higher amount of that". Nope, Windows users are inherently gay. True story. They like being fucked in the ass by a rich nerdy guy.



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Marc is gay. He uses Windows.


Joe, you like the cock (and we have photographic evidence of this), and you are a Winblowz user.


Anthony is, well, Anthoy. And he uses Windows.


Chris Green? Hello? Shampoo king? Yeah, a Windows fan also.


Desperado? Windows.


Blubyu? Windows.


Eflove? Windows.


Are you noticing a trend here???????? I'm expecting the typical, "yeah, when everyone uses Windows you'll have a higher amount of that". Nope, Windows users are inherently gay. True story. They like being fucked in the ass by a rich nerdy guy.



Ben, wait till you start here... then you'll realize that 95% of the MAC users are flamingly gay.... trust me, the majority of MAC users at least have gay tendancies...

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Um, my personal web server is Fedora. I use Qmail.


Suck my balls.



What's running on your desktop at work?

Your desktop at home?

What about a laptop?


Suck my balls bitch. Its not gay if you recieve.

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Ben, wait till you start here... then you'll realize that 95% of the MAC users are flamingly gay.... trust me, the majority of MAC users at least have gay tendancies...



That has a lot more to do with the environment though. Think about it, your Mac users are ALL designers. I don't care if they were using a blackboard and chalk, they'd still be gay.

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That has a lot more to do with the environment though. Think about it, your Mac users are ALL designers. I don't care if they were using a blackboard and chalk, they'd still be gay.

And there you have it. Macs were designed for people who are in professions that are predominately employeed with homosexuals. We aren't judging you for your enjoyment of penis in your anus, it's just the way you are. :D

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And there you have it. Macs were designed for people who are in professions that are predominately employeed with homosexuals. We aren't judging you for your enjoyment of penis in your anus, it's just the way you are. :D




Don't confuse me with your tendencies...



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The entire data center at NASA headquarters on M street in DC is Mac exclusively. When asked why, their reply was stability. Make all the jokes about spacecraft blowing up that you want, NASA employs smarter people than any company in Cols. There was also a prevalence of Mac equipment at NIST.


Just because more people buy one product, that does not make it better than another. Which car is better, the Corvette, or the Taurus?

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The entire data center at NASA headquarters on M street in DC is Mac exclusively. When asked why, their reply was stability. Make all the jokes about spacecraft blowing up that you want, NASA employs smarter people than any company in Cols. There was also a prevalence of Mac equipment at NIST.


Just because more people buy one product, that does not make it better than another. Which car is better, the Corvette, or the Taurus?




This is the one and only time I'm going to say this, so take it to heart.




End of story.

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Zero-day exploit for IE6 flaw released!

Posted by George Ou @ 4:11 pm

Digg This!


A new critical flaw in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 has been fully disclosed to the Internet along with proof-of-concept code. Secunia released a detailed advisory here. This latest flaw allows the execution of arbitrary code which means a Windows XP computer running Internet Explorer 6 can be completely compromised by visiting a malicious website. IE6 users are advised to use the following workarounds until an official patch is released.


* How to stop Active Scripting for home users.

* How to stop Active Scripting company wide.


This is a temporary solution and may cause certain sites to not work. In order to make them work, you'll need to add those legitimate sites that needs to have Active Scripting working to the trusted zone in IE. This is not a simple or desirable solution but it is the only solution that Microsoft gives you as a temporary workaround. This IE6 vulnerability is serious enough that Microsoft should immediately create an out-of-cycle patch before the next monthly patch and spend less time lecturing about Apple's missteps. Microsoft was forced to release an emergency patch for the WMF vulnerability in January. Waiting for next months cycle for a zero-day critical flaw is unacceptable.

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This thread has deteriorated into a kindergarden playground fight. I might as well start throwing pebbles.


Blue screen of death = spinning faggy color wheel of "waiting to load" frustration.

You Mac users know what I'm talking about. That gay little rainbow wheel that spins when something is processing? Then it gets stuck like that...and never stops doing it, and the only fucking way to end your misery is tear the powercord out of the computer.

I go to a school where 40% of the guys prefer hot dog to taco, and 75% of the overall population is girls or fudgepackers, and I can confidently say that at least 50% of the gay/female group (37.5% of school population for all you tards) probably use macs. I have yet to meet a straight male using a Mac. Even the Asians (uber-technologically savvy asians, at that) are using Toshiba's and Dell's. That is just my statistical analysis of my situation.

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spinning pinwheel = network problem 9 times out of 10


Unplugging it because of this is retarded. Press Command+Option+Esc next time, and kill the app that is frozen. This is the same as Ctrl+Alt+Del on a Windows box.


As for Asians not liking Macs, that's funny. Of course they use PCs. PCs are made in their home countries. Asians are all about money. Seriously. More so than the Jews I believe. That's why they make great accountants. So if they can buy something cheap, they will. Now for those of you who think I'm being racist, suck my left nut. I just verified this with my ex (who's from Japan, and currently living there) and she laughed her ass off saying, "that's so true!".


I'm straight. I use Macs. Anyone wanting to debate whether I'm straight or not can go ahead and skip the mouthing off here on the board and just call me up.



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