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First the fat boys and now this


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I drive delivery for a living, sometimes 10 hour shifts. This means I get to see a hefty helping of human stupidity on the roads daily, especially seeing as I'm doing it in a 55hp red convertible with an automatic, therefore I'm constantly looking for the next dumb shit that's going to fuck up...


That study is bullshit. The hit and runner that got my Probe last year was hispanic, and I've had african immigrants (not african americans, but FOB from Kenya and Somalia, judging from the clothing and the stickers on their car representing their home country) pull stupid shit like whip out of a parking lot and into the wrong lane directly facing my bumper with their front end.


As for whites... They have their own amount of reckless behavior that is just as common. The idiots just have large SUVs and none of the skill to be operating anything more dangerous then... Well... My Metro. Stupidity is universal. :)

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