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Delay gets owned

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I wonder how his proceedings will go now. Teh republicans are very good at winnin elections, and they dont drop some one unless they're sure that they're guilty. It'd be far better to prove him innocent then point to the left saying "OMG they tried to convict an innocent man!" But no, he's fucked. But since this mess will likely fade from public attention, what will be done to get him off the hook?


Delay, Lott, the reds are 2 for two in resignations due to unethical behavior, I wonder if Boener will share the same fate.

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Or he could be a dem and be involved in illegal unethical business practices and get elected president....


I know what party *I'd* hide in if I was an adultering, foreign-bribe-taking, land-deal-scam-workin scumbag.


Oh wait thats already been done.


Both parties suck.

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You do realize that Bush has received about 1.5 billion dollars from the Kingdom of Saud, right? Why take bribes when you can serve a foreign power and make more money legaly? They've pretty much bankrolled his entire professional life.


Yes, both parties suck. The worst part about the system is, you cant get to the top and be totaly clean. You need the support of wealthy people to carry on a campaign.

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What he said /\

With all this shit hitting the fan, NOW is the time for a third party to rise up. The libs need their shit together and they need a strong candidate.



Amen brotha!


Seriously though, this is the time for the Libertarian Party. Every citizen in this country is disgusted with the way things are going. The Libertarian Party, I believe, is our last hope. I do not want to see another Dem or Rep in office next term.

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You realize you're only fucking yourself, right Andy?


Wait, no, you're fucking me too, along with everyone else who doesn't control any wealth. GOP = Economic "stability" through exploitation of the prolitariat. At best, they focus on merely getting money into the country with no reguard for what happens to it afterwards. Besides, you'll find no real Conservatives on any ballot.

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You do realize that Bush has received about 1.5 billion dollars from the Kingdom of Saud, right? Why take bribes when you can serve a foreign power and make more money legaly? They've pretty much bankrolled his entire professional life.
I do realize this isn't true, despite Michael Moore trying to make us beleive otherwise. I also know the entire Bush family net worth is nowhere near 1.5billion. Dubbya sucks, but we don't need urban myth like this to know that.


Both parties suck. I've voted independent since 1986.


The democrats can't make the poor rich or the rich poor and the republicans can't keep the rich rich or the poor poor. I was born poor in West Virginia and now am doing quite well for myself with not a damn bit of it due to hereditary advantage, real estate, or government help.


And so can everyone else.


All we all need is for the government to stay out of our way as much as possible.

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I do realize this isn't true, despite Michael Moore trying to make us beleive otherwise. I also know the entire Bush family net worth is nowhere near 1.5billion. Dubbya sucks, but we don't need urban myth like this to know that.


Both parties suck. I've voted independent since 1986.


The democrats can't make the poor rich or the rich poor and the republicans can't keep the rich rich or the poor poor. I was born poor in West Virginia and now am doing quite well for myself with not a damn bit of it due to hereditary advantage, real estate, or government help.


And so can everyone else.


All we all need is for the government to stay out of our way as much as possible.




i heart you

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