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Laser Jammers


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They are legal because no one regulates waves of light. The FCC cracks down on radar jammers because its a type of transmission that's within their juristiction. You might find yourself with a trumped up charge of aiding and abetting criminals, citing that you're jammer prevents cops from tagging cars when you're around.


Do they work? On paper, sure, but I don't know about applied life.

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Have heard mixed reviews. I have one, have not installed it yet. Whenever I do, I still dont plan on really testing how well it works. If it does it will just be a cusion to give me some more breaking distance to burn off the 5-10 I occasionally run over the limit.
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I know people that have them and still get tickets, so why spend the money? If you're smart you'll never get a ticket. I've never had a radar/laser detector or anything of the sort and have never had a speeding ticket(knock on wood).
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I know people that have them and still get tickets, so why spend the money? If you're smart you'll never get a ticket. I've never had a radar/laser detector or anything of the sort and have never had a speeding ticket(knock on wood).

You just jinxed yourself

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I had one on my Mazda and it worked like a charm. Several times I was hit by laser at a higher speed only to slow down and switch it off. Never got a ticket when I had it. Eric (The Benz Guy) may be right though...if they know you have it they may try to get you with obstruction of justice...never heard of it happening though.


I used a Blinder that was mounted in my front lower grill next to where my front plate would be. You wouldn't notice it unless you were looking for it. I don't trust the kind that mount inside the car on the windshield.

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Guest FooFooMaru

I have one. It came with my Bass guitar amp I got so I figured I'd get it. It goes off after the cop has already tagged your speed so you're already caught. Pretty sure that's how it works. He tags you, thing goes off, and so you know he's up there but he knows your speed. I have mine so I know where cops are. I don't really speed. Do like 58 in 55 and like 70 even in 65. I don't consistently do 10 or 15 over....I don't need more problems in life.


Not sure if I'm correct with that all though......

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I sell and we install the Passport SRX systems.They have "shifting" as they are not allowed to call it "jamming".What it does is give the Police a false reading when the hit you then when they try to get an accurate reading a few seconds later it will let them.This gives you time to slow down before they get a accurate reading on you.I have sold them to Nelson for Lamborghini's and have put them in SC430,C6,H2 and many others without any complaints.Do they work?I guess we charge $1599.00 to install so I would think someone would come back if they got busted.
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Laser is actually an acronym for 'Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation'. It's that radiation part (and the fact that lasers are used in all sorts of surgical type stuff) that puts it into FDA territory.
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They work. Its all about frequency, phase shift etc. You can build one at home with some NAVY electronics surplus parts. There are schematics on the internet for this stuff.


The cop's gun sends out a wave at a certain frequency. The wave hits the target, and returns. A circuit measures the phase difference of the wave and thus calculates the velocity.


A jammer works by continously emitting a signal in the LIDAR band of frequencies. Thus the cop's gun is never going to get an accurate reading.

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Blinder works quite well, a friend of mine has it gives the policeman an error reading when they laser you. I've witnessed him being hit a couple times and the officer just gave a "?" look as we drove by. I know a pretty good group buy going on for the Blinder system on another forum if you are interested and/or if you want I could put my name in and just have you reimburce me if you'de like. 295$ shipped for the Blinder M-20 XTREME I believe. Banned in Cally, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, Colorado, Virginia and Washington DC


PS I do not condone illegal speeding, speeding is bad

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