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Need help on a caliper bolt


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Well, I decided to strip the insides of the T-60 torx bolt holding on my caliper on the passenger side. I've tried almost everything I have. I'm just pissed.


Anyone want to either do it or give me a hand?


If it were the top bolt, I'm sure I could get it out. But it's the bottom one. It's a complete PITA to try to get it off.

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I've tried heating it (with a propate torch). I've tried vise grips and a shiload of PB blaster. I can tighten the damn thing, but when I go counter, it just strips.



I have a bolt extractor set, problem is, it's the bottom bolt. there's not a whole lot of room to get a drill in there. I could get one in, started drilling at an angle, but gave up.


Any other ideas? Anyone on here just want to do it and I'll give you a few bucks?

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have any bolts laying around?? if so cut the head flush and slide caliper off. or use grinder to notch the bolt and air hammer it out. do you need this done tonight? holla I might be able to make it up.


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have any bolts laying around?? if so cut the head flush and slide caliper off. or use grinder to notch the bolt and air hammer it out. do you need this done tonight? holla I might be able to make it up.



Well, it needs to happen sometime by the end of the month. The car is runing, the bolt is tight, so it's not going anywhere. Its just tha I need to replace a few wheel studs and my pads are starting to go.


Let me know what you're doing the rest of the week. Maybe I can swing by on a Saturday?


And yes, mike was nice enough to find me a few extra bolts that he had from his old W-body. :)

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If you remove that caliper it should give you more access to the bolt. I had to cut off one on an alero someone had rounded off. I cut it flush as possible and then used a hammer to beat the bracket off the rest the way. I'm off thursday if you wanna run it by the house
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Thanks goes out to Tinman for hooking me up today. :). It's drivable.. so I went over to his place and got 'r done. :). He welded a 3/4" bolt onto the t-60 bolt and it came right out (with a little help from a 6' breaker bar).


Anti-seize is my best friend now ;).

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