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+1 for being laid off...


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How about this. You get notice two weeks ago (not officially) that they're bringing in $10-13 dollar and hour asshats to do your job.. which you make twice that amount. And they think they can bring the same level of service that you give.


I'll know in a few weeks if I get riffed or not (I'm almost 90% sure I am though.. just because of how short i've been at the job (others have had 3+ more years that I have and I've been there for 3 3/4 years).

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Yea, I know that isn't happening here. Our company is letting people go due to the fact that they are losing business..lol At least I wasn't the first to let go. The killer part is, I have been offered three jobs within the company but since I am screwed by my lease here at my apartments, I cannot move and the company wont pay to move me even though they want me. Go figure.
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man, you really shot yourself in the foot with that whole apartment thing.


Sorry to hear about that, man. If you're getting offered jobs elsewhere in the company, you shouldn't have too much of a problem finding other work. Depending on what you do, Nationwide has so many people leaving that they can't hire fast enough. My friend is a headhunter for them, he is working like crazy right now.

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Well I think the apartments thing was good..I didn't get evicted and they cannot screw up my good record. As far as finding another job, I see it as being a big problem because even though I have a degree in networking, no one is hiring due to the fact that all jobs now a days are being outsourced to a temp company or overseas..
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There is no way out of my apartment lease. There was a big debate about this and my lawyer even says that if it isn't written in the lease, then you have to pay their fee's. There is no state law saying they have to let you out. I wish there was though.
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There is no way out of my apartment lease. There was a big debate about this and my lawyer even says that if it isn't written in the lease, then you have to pay their fee's. There is no state law saying they have to let you out. I wish there was though.

There are ways out, just have to be creative about it!

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Well I just found out today that I wont be laid off till September. The downside to this is that I will be traveling to Philly every week and comming back home for the weekends...So much for riding or doing anything fun..
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