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My buddy orderd some absinthe and it came in the mail yesterday. We're going to do it this saturday but I'm kind of scared. I usually get all paranoid and freaked out even smoking weed so I think I'm gonna freak after doing this. Anyone done it before and do you think I'm gonna fuckin go out of my mind? And how long does it take to kick in and how long does it last. Thanks and any other things you wanna say about absinthe is cool also.
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My buddy orderd some absinthe and it came in the mail yesterday. We're going to do it this saturday but I'm kind of scared. I usually get all paranoid and freaked out even smoking weed so I think I'm gonna freak after doing this. Anyone done it before and do you think I'm gonna fuckin go out of my mind? And how long does it take to kick in and how long does it last. Thanks and any other things you wanna say about absinthe is cool also.


sweeeeeet...me and my boss were going to order some a couple months ago but the idea slowly drifted out of our minds. where did your buddy order it from, how long did it take to get there...what kind did you get? we were looking at this "king of spirits" stuff i think, which has like 3x the wormwood of regular absinthe...the shit was like 170$/fifth though.

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If it is pure absinthe (clear not green), you will have a good time. Most of the time it is already been deluted with sugar. Which is ok, but not as strong compared to deluting it yourself. If it is pure, you will need to delute it with sugar to drink it. Just look on line, I am sure you will find out how to do it. If you don't it pretty much just makes you sick. Effects depend on the person and how strong it is. Somepeople it has no effect on, but some it can really do some neat head tricks with. Oh yeah, don't expect to remember what happened. You will just wake up a go, What happened?
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id be in for going in on a case, as well as my boss. hes got about 100$ max on a bottle, id probably do the same. id like to get some of the 'king of spirits' stuff, which is normally like 160$ a bottle, but if we can get a case and get it down to 100-125$, im sure we could do that


put us down for 2

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If it is pure, you will need to delute it with sugar to drink it.


This man speaks the truth. A friend, who is also on here, had some and I took a drink straight out of the bottle. Worst idea ever, that shit burns more than Ever Clear going down. It ruined my night of drinking and I will never touch that stuff again. I didn't actually get sick, it just upset my stomach so much I couldn't drink anything else. I’ve heard it's a lot easier going down when you dilute some sugar into it.


I obviously didn't drink enough of it to feel any hallucinogenic effects.

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I had a buddy that went to KSU that got some and was drinking it and said that he saw green cats jumping out of his trashcan all night. I don't know if its true or not....wasn't there. I wanna try it sometime, me and my brother in law have talked about getting a bottle imported but....yea, never really got around to it. Let me know how it goes!
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its some good shit very very strong, buddy of mine had 2 shots of it and sat there like wtf did I do then 10min later he crawled to the bathroom and hugged the toilet all night, granted he had been drinking all night lol
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Guest powers

Rigsby and I had quite a bit of that shit one night and was FUCKED up. I ended up face down in a toilet for an hour or two. The taste straight from the bottleis HORRIBLE.


But the buzz is GREAT.


Gawd i was sick.

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Have a sitter but sharp things away. And be in a safe place. As for any trip. Salvia or mushrooms ( not that would do illegal things) the situation wil set the trip. I would honesty have a sitter and osmeone you safe with to drink it.
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so if i were to get a fifth, how long is it going to last me? 6-8 nights worth of drinking? from what i hear, 2-3 shots is about all it takes...


It takes more than a couple shots to get you cut your ear off and send it to your woman.. More like about 3/4 a bottle to maybe get a visual, but of course by then your stupid drunk because it's about 180 proof.


You guys do know that "true" Absinthe is only legal in 7 countries in the world and the USA is not one of them. Not that you care but it sure makes it a hell of a lot harder to get past customs. I know people that have bought the fake stuff and it just makes you drunker than you ever thought you could be and you WILL have a hang over so damn bad you'll wish you were dead.


I've had about 5 shots (Maybe more) of the real stuff and mixing it with some sugar is a must. I drank about 8 beers before I drank "The Green Fairy" and it pretty much crushed me in about an hour. I had to just sit back in the chair and do nothing for 2 hours. I couldn't fall sleep and I felt like i could hardly move a muscle. It didn't make me feel like I had to puke just numb.


If your going to get crazy with the stuff I would definitly have a spotter there "just in case".


Have fun!!

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It takes more than a couple shots to get you cut your ear off and send it to your woman.. More like about 3/4 a bottle to maybe get a visual, but of course by then your stupid drunk because it's about 180 proof.


You guys do know that "true" Absinthe is only legal in 7 countries in the world and the USA is not one of them. Not that you care but it sure makes it a hell of a lot harder to get past customs. I know people that have bought the fake stuff and it just makes you drunker than you ever thought you could be and you WILL have a hang over so damn bad you'll wish you were dead.


I've had about 5 shots (Maybe more) of the real stuff and mixing it with some sugar is a must. I drank about 8 beers before I drank "The Green Fairy" and it pretty much crushed me in about an hour. I had to just sit back in the chair and do nothing for 2 hours. I couldn't fall sleep and I felt like i could hardly move a muscle. It didn't make me feel like I had to puke just numb.


If your going to get crazy with the stuff I would definitly have a spotter there "just in case".


Have fun!!

You speak the truth. My friend is going to Israel this week and bringing us back some.

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Alright so I did it last night. My buddy and his fiance just drank beer and are going to do it tonight based on how I acted. I'm not big into hallucinating alot so I was kind of scared. We got the clear absinth and dilluted it w/ suger. I guess you can mix it w/ water, ginger ale and lime, or champaigne. I tried it w/ ginger ale and lime and it tasted fuckin sick. It tasted like water that had black licorice soaking in it for days. After one glass which had 2 shots in it I was taking a break just to make sure I didn't freak. I drank a beer and kind of got giddy a tad bit but nothing else. So I drank about 3 more beers then took a straight shot of it. Tasted horrible once again and almost puked. Drank another 2 beers or so. Then mixed another glass w/ the champaign and it tasted the exact same{like shit}.......so then we were out smoking a cigg and the dividing parts inbetween the condos were slighty moving. I don't really remember anything else happening weird after that. I just drank some more beers th en went to bed. So tonight I'm going to try to drink some more of it and hopefully lose my mind.
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