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Tell Congress No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens!


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It's not a matter convenience, it's a matter of right and wrong. That's how I make my descisions, not by "what ze parrrty" wants. :p


Your idea of right and wrong isn't always the same as my idea of right or wrong.


Here are some of my ideas of what is right and what is wrong. This cannot be debated, since this is my opinion. If you disagree thats your right, but you can't flat out tell me that I am wrong in what I think.


I think:


Gun control = wrong

Abortion = flat out don't care

Illegal immigration = wrong

Legal immigration = good

Illegal drugs = bad mmmkay

Loud exhaust = good, but to a point. Anthony's firebird is past that point.

Street racing = bad when there is traffic, acceptable when the highways are clear

preservation of the US Constitution in the way that it was written = good

The Constitution being a "living document" that can be changed at someone's whim = unacceptable horseshit.

Homofags = don't agree with it, but so long as it's not affecting me I don't much care.

Beer = good

Whiskey = better

Firefox > IE


I'm sure I could add more if I really gave a shit. I think I had a point but I forget what it was, oh well.

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April 10, 2006


Dear Benjamin:


Thank you for contacting me regarding illegal immigration. I agree that

illegal immigration is a very serious problem and appreciate knowing your



Currently, there are approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants in

the United States, with close to 1 million more arriving every year. Yet,

our current immigration system is broken. It is a system that is not good

for American security, particularly during our fight to combat

international terrorism. It is not good for American workers and

businesses. And, it is not good for the immigrants, themselves.


To tackle this problem, we must have a comprehensive immigration plan that

toughens our borders, documents illegal immigrants, and provides for

American labor needs. On March 28, 2006, the Senate Judiciary Committee,

of which I am a member, passed immigration legislation out of Committee.

The legislation is the first step toward comprehensive immigration reform.

I voted in favor of the bill, which would secure our southern border by

providing for an additional 12,000 border patrol agents, increased use of

technology, and a fence along portions of the border. The bill also

includes a guest worker program limited to approximately 400,000 people

per year and a way to document and provide legal status for immigrants

already here.


Again, thank you for contacting me. If you have any additional concerns,

please feel free to contact me anytime.


Very respectfully yours,


United States Senator


I emailed him. He emailed me back.

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Oh boy.... Where to start. First the comments about anyone not having Indian Blood to STFU.... Mothers side, her mothers father was Soix (sp?) and just as important, on her fathers side, I can take you to the burial plot of John Jacob Storts, who fought in the revolutionary war, two plots over is his grandson Daniel, who fought for the North in the Civil war. I realize that names follow the fathers side, but I would most likely be here either way. My mothers side has been in this country before it was a country, and parts of have been here since before Columbus discovered it and possibly even before the Norsmen (sp?) stumbled on it 400 years before Columbus claimed to have discovered it. So yea, I have a right to bitch, what's more I have the right to say that ANYONE that calls themselves an American (not Aisan-American, Mexican-American or whatever else) has the right to stand up and say this is bullshit.


The first problem with this is that folks seem to be coming here and concerned with where they left, spouting off about their heritage and what not. Personally, if you were born here, you are an American, if your heritage of another country is so important, get on a plane, I am sure they will take you. God knows that everyone there is coming here. Second, coming from another country, then running off at the mouth, and waving the flag of "YOUR" country, not the American flag as a sign of protest because people have came here from 'YOUR' country illegally. Get on the boat and go the fuck back. You can NOT turn your back on OUR flag. Poncho Villa lost asshole, deal with it, or go home. No one here cares about your heritage here but you. And if you are going to protest against our country, in our country, maybe you should be protesting from the other side of the border. Again, everyone there is coming here, there must be a reason. But if you feel that "your" country is such a wonderful place to be, I am sure they will let you back in without and problems.


The issue of illegal's being here is easy to deal with.

1. Pay local law enforcement processing fee's to detain illegals for the INS.

2. Buy 2 greyhound type busses for each INS field office, more for the areas that have alot of illegals so they can be directly deported.

3. Modify regulations and minimize 'red tape' on deportation of illegals, if they are here illegally civil, human, and constutuional laws do not apply. These people are not citizens and do NOT have the rights we do. Run busses as soon as there is a full load.

4. Bullets are cheap, and illegals crossing the border is now a matter of national security, it should be handled as such.

5. Increasing border control is expensive. Instead move military bases 20 miles from border, creating a 20 mile deep 'DMZ' target ranges are setup so the border is downrange, post signs at border indicating that they are entering a military firing range, signs to be printed in ENGLISH only. If you don't speak it, shame on you, this is America, we speak english.

6. Make assistance of and employing illegals within the United States an act of treason, punishable by deportation. If they like the illegals that much, let them ride the bus back with them. For the established assistance groups like Red Cross and church oriented groups, they can either assist Americans or go to other country's to assist people of other counties, in other countries, not here.


This shit ain't hard to deal with, someone just has to have the stomache for it.

And yes, I am an extreemist, but sometimes extreem problems require an extreem solution. And I never said that we need to get out the flamethrowers even, so shut your liberal agenda trap.

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and what about the water stations setup in the desert? they are there so the illegals dont die of dehydration as they are illegally crossing the border ... im 100% WTF on this one ...


1. if you are gonna cross a border that is a desert ... wouldnt taking water with you sound a bit of a good idea? And its hard to get lost, you head due north ... so whats going on here?


2. you arent supposed to be there in the first place ...


its a good humanitarian effort BUT it encourages illegal activity ... so who's the real winner out of all this? and who is the real loser?

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Guest FrancesTheMute
Hopefully you are aware of the serious situation that is occurring in regards to illegal aliens.


Congress is working on very important legislation right now that could grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens despite poles that say 80% of Americans are against this.


To make matters worse this would allow all illegal aliens in the US to legally bring in their family members to the US. This means that if they only have 3 other members of their family outside the US that there could be an additional 33 million added to the 11 million already here.


Tell Congress no amnesty for illegal aliens!


I’ve made it easy for you. I have searched out all the web pages for your Senators and Representatives. Just send them a quick e-mail stating your case. It doesn’t have to be more than one sentence. Honestly they won’t read more than that anyway.


But you should make your position known.


Thank you for listening.




Senator Dewine

Senator Voinovich

All Representative Links this requires 9 digit ZIP code



Do you pick strawberries for $0.50/hr? No, so shut the fuck up. My family may have been all legal Irish immigrants. However they came here the exact reason others are, to give their families a better life. If you're so for getting rid of illegal immigrants, how about you also get on board to give back the Native Americans their land back that you stole you arrogant white bastard. Rot in hell.

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First off Frances the mute, shut the fuck up, seriously. Everyone want's to provide their families better lives. But there are ways to go about it. If anyone actualy gave a shit about the migrant workers, they'd make actual citizenship easier. But they dont give a fuck about them. You, just like all the hippy libs are buying this load of crap hook, line and sinker becausde you're not paying attention. WHO DOES THIS BENIFIT!? It sure as hell aint the 11 million illegals here. Fuck sake, they HERE! They've obviously got little issue with getting around the current system.

All this bill will do is make it legal for major corperations to outright exploit the hardest working people in the hemisphere, without ever having to spend a dime on their actual well being. Before you back this bill ont their behalf, shut the fuck up and get a clue.


Yes, we should give the land back to the Natives that we took it from, they took better care of it then we do. Note that I said "That we took it from", not the current casino building developers that are running the tribes now. It took a century, but the white mans ways finaly got to them.


Your idea of right and wrong isn't always the same as my idea of right or wrong.

well lerts compare:

I think:


-Gun control = Don't care, but we need to control the people who have them.

-Abortion = wrong, but outlawing it wont solve anything. Abortion is a symptom tp a problem.

-Illegal immigration = wrong

-Legal immigration = good

-Illegal drugs = bad mmmkay

-Loud exhaust = totaly irrelevant.

-Street racing = wrong in all forms that aren't organized.

-Preservation of the US Constitution in the way that it was written = Contradiction. It was meant to change with time, because our forefathers knew it would be neccesary. Keeping it static = death of the nation. It's not a whim, it's democracy. Nothing with a static document as its base has ever survived in the state in which it began. No nation, no religion, nothing.

-Homosexuality = Fine, I just dont want to hear about it. Never in my life could I find dipping french fries in milk shakes appetizing, but it doesn't give me the right to outlaw it. Banning gay marriage is nothing more then ignorant hatred, the same form that opposed integration and voters rights.

-Good Beer = good in moderation.

-Whiskey = the devil


kind of funny hearing you saying that considering look at our president

Dont get me wrong, he's a twit. But he never struck his neck out for a group of people who cant frickin vote.


I missed you Desperado, Kisses kisses. Apart from your "whole sale slaughter" ethical trip, there is one major problem with your plan. You know that president you love so much? You know, the one that cut a bunch of taxes and went on a military spending spree? Yeah, that guy, he's kinda spent all our fucking money. We can barely afford the enforcement we have now because he's buring hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of American lives on a war that he lied to get us into. So, where's the money for your simple final solution going to come from?

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Too dumb or lazy to read the entire thread?


Yup, I thought so.


I'm not repeating myself.


Oh, and I couldn't give a crap about the cost of strawberries. :)


Do you pick strawberries for $0.50/hr? No, so shut the fuck up. My family may have been all legal Irish immigrants. However they came here the exact reason others are, to give their families a better life. If you're so for getting rid of illegal immigrants, how about you also get on board to give back the Native Americans their land back that you stole you arrogant white bastard. Rot in hell.
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Simple final solution. We have a ton of nukes aying around. Use the area next to the border as a test range. Random nuclear detonations should keep most people from even thinking of trying to cross. Cheap glass too.

As I'm sure you're aware, since you're a reasonable bright lad, they leave behind much more then simple glass and craters. Did you know that radioactive clouds from the Manhattan Project tests in the southwest passed over ohio? We'd be buisy treating our own citizens for the some of the most horrible aflictions you've ever seen.

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