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Fundamentals of Engineering Exam


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Anybody else take the FE today? Sonofabitch, that test was intense! Four hours for the general morning section (got there at 7:45am, started at 8am), and then another four hours in the afternoon for the second session. Wow, I really hope I never have to take it again! The morning wasn't too bad, but the afternoon just leaves you sore...


Just wondering if anybody else took that today, or if anybody else has taken it before? ...Jesse I'm sure your ass will chime in here shortly. Did you take the discipline-specific afternoon or the general?


Almost all of my mechanical classmates and I took the second, harder general section in the afternoon, and it may have been a mistake because it was a whore...but hopefully I pass. (considering I spent less than 8 hours studying over one week)

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I decided not to take it. I already have a job lined up and its just a whole lot of stress for nothing. If i need it in the future i'll take it but most of the people that go through with it never need it.


plus the hassle that you have to take the second part of it after 5 years of experience.

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Yeah, I signed for a good job with Toyota over a month ago and I'm not likely to ever NEED the PE license, but I figure what the hell. It was stressful but I hope it pays off, and as for 5 years down the road, I think I'd do it just for the recognition and status. My brother's a ChemE and has worked for 13 years, not taking the FE has never been a problem, but I think sometimes he wishes he had the PE status so people would remember he has a degree in chemical engineering. I guess I see it as a way to differentiate from all the hacks out there trying to do my job.
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When I took it back in '93 (it was called the EIT (Engr. in Training) back then) ... it was completely non-discipline specific. I am a ChemE... so that and the ME stuff wasn't bad... but the EE stuff kicked my ass.


I ended up getting a 69% on it (70% reqired to pass) and never re-took it.


13 years later... and I have never needed it. A PE is very necessary if you want to own/work for an engineering consulting firm. Otherwise.... its just fluff....

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