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Frustrations over Child Support get worse ...


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Guest chpmnsws6

Sounds alot like what happened with my parents. Father paid 600+ a month working full time for the military after being told by the judge to quit going to school and work full time, sell his automobile and ride the bus, and watch his food budget (still living at home). At age 7 when my mom went back to the mental institution, dad was finally able to get full custody after some 30-40k in attorney fees. Now at 19, the 60 dollar checks still come in from time to time from child support (he laughs at them as they didn't even pay for school lunches in 4th grade). Finally after not seeing my mothers family for 6-7 years, I called and my grandmother apologized saying she didn't realize how abusive nancy (my mother) was. Talk about the greatest pain in all the world hitting you at the exact same moment as a 200 pound weight you've carried most your life was lifted.


Men get the shaft and women get all the rights in custody cases *thumb down*


This is a 5am post so bare with me haha

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have told us is fathers abandoning their children is in reality a tyranny of courts and government bureaucracies confiscating vast numbers of children from their fathers. What officials call “deadbeat dads” are more likely plundered pops: solvent and responsible citizens who are being looted by extortionate child support, coerced attorneys’ fees, and other government expropriations that — despite claims of it all being “for the children” –

border on thievery.


Child Support is big business … $21.9 billion in child support was taken in across the nation in 2004.


Child abuse is largely a product of the feminist-dominated family law and social work industries. It is a textbook example of the government creating a problem for itself to solve.


A few decades ago, there was no child abuse epidemic; it grew up with the welfare system and the divorce revolution.


Almost all child abuse takes places in single parent homes.


A British study found children are up to 33 times more likely to be abused when a live-in boyfriend or stepfather is present than in an intact family.



“The presence of the father … placed the child at lesser risk for child sexual abuse,”


Contrary to the innuendo of child abuse “advocates,” it is not married fathers but single mothers who are by far the most likely to injure and kill their children.


“Contrary to public perception,” write Patrick Fagan and Dorothy Hanks of the Heritage Foundation, “research shows that the most likely physical abuser of a young child will be that child’s mother, not a male in the household.”


Mothers accounted for 55% of child murders, according to a Justice Department report (1,100 out of 2,000, with fathers committing 130).


HHS itself has figures that women aged 20 to 49 are almost twice as likely as men to be perpetrators of child maltreatment: “


“One scholarly study concluded that “An anti-male attitude is often found in documents, statements, and in the writings of those claiming to be experts in cases of child sexual abuse.”


the judicial system, which is

politicized to the gills, utterly favors women over

men in divorce cases, without remorse, decency, or

concern for children.


The odds are 50% that your marriage will end in

divorce. The odds are 70% that your divorce will be

filed by your wife. The odds are 80% that your wife

will get custody of your children-plus child support,

alimony, and/or a hefty chunk of your property


• 90% of homeless and runaway children come from single parent or sole custody situations.

• 85% of youths incarcerated in juvenile jails are from single parent or sole custody situations.

• 85% of adult felonies are committed by individuals who were raised in single parent or sole custody situations.

• 75% of youths at chemical abuse centers are from single parent or sole custody situations.

• 71% of all high school dropouts are from single parent or sole custody situations.

• 70% of teenage pregnancies are to children from single parent or sole custody situations.

• 63% of youth suicides are by children from single parent or sole custody situation.

Randy Orville Brouse, 33, of Illinois, when jailed for felony failure to pay child support, hung himself on July 21, 2003. Prior to his death, he was one of 50 Hillsdale County's "Most Wanted". All are alleged to be dangerous and wanted "for serious and often violent crimes". In fact, more than 60% are wanted only for failure to pay child support.


Reinaldo Rivera, 25, of New Jersey was jailed for failure to pay child support. He hung himself with a sheet after one week in jail in April, 2003.

Mark Edward Dexel, 42, of Canada hung himself on January, 23, 2003 in a Kamloops motel after he was banned from seeing his son by the Canadian family courts.

Derrick K. Miller, 43, of San Diego, California, walked up the steps courthouse steps to the San Diego family court's security guard on January 7, 2002. Miller had recently been judged to pay support he obviously did not have. While holding his divorce papers in one hand and pulling a pistol in the other, he told the guard, "You did this to me!". Derrick quickly pulled the trigger, on the only option left to him and many other fathers, that sent a bullet through his head and died.

Darren Bruce White, 34, of B.C., Canada, killed himself sometime between March 12, 2000 and March 17, 2000, when his body was found. Darren's suicide came shortly after a court ruling he was capable, something US family courts are also known to do as attested by the author in his personal experience, of paying $2,071 a month in support. The court had no concern that he was paying $439 a month support in his first marriage and was only making $950 a month salary. White's daughter, Ashlee, expresses her grief regarding the current system.

Every year 24,000 men commit suicide. Every 22 minutes one male commits suicide




90% of fathers with joint custody pay the ordered child support. 79.1% of fathers with visitation rights pay the ordered child support. 44.5% of fathers with no visitation rights pay the ordered child support


In 1990, Lockheed employee and divorced father Bobby Sherrill was captured in Kuwait and spent nearly five months as an Iraqi hostage. The night after his release Mr. Sherrill was arrested for not paying $1,425 in child support while a hostage.


79.6% of custodial mothers receive a support award.

29.9% of custodial fathers receive a support award.

26.9% of non-custodial fathers totally default on support.

46.9% of non-custodial mothers totally default on support.

Meyer and Garansky, Technical Analysis Paper No. 42, US, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Income Security Policy, 1991.



Child support is our system for replacing fathers with money. Everyone, including mothers, would be better off if we replaced money with fathers. - KC Author, Where's Daddy? The Mythologies behind Custody-Access-Support.

76% of all divorces are initiated by women.


Almost 90% of all custodial parents are women.


In some states, DNA Testing does not hold water in Family Courts.


835,000 men are battered each year by their wives/girlfriends.


Male brains weigh around 1.25kg; female brains weigh on average 100g less

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