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Anthony, you've been outdone

Science Abuse

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I'm heading down Polaris this afternoon, and I see a dark blue (dirty as hell) Trans Am going the other way, with a young fella rockin' it straight up Hasidic style, wut wut! I'm talkin Hat, curly side burns to his tits, white shirt and black coat, balls out Hebrew. Too bad he was going the other way, I'd have dropped a reference. :cool:
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Hey Eric, your quote in your sig is wrong. Now, you could say, "I know, I worded it the way I wanted to". That, my friend, is plagiarism.


And I had it first. Take that shit down.

Phux you Labowski. :p I didn't quote it, I was reminded of it and quoted it to the best of my memory. But, since you corrected me, I may as well correct it....In fact, I'll have the rest of your sig too, role model. ;)

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