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guys in HS used to do it before spring break every year... as long as you dont go there to enjoy the local glory hole... i think its ok :lol:


Personaly, i just wait for the pool to open... that way, i can exercise, tan, AND see if theres any new hot girls in my complex ;)

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guys in HS used to do it before spring break every year... as long as you dont go there to enjoy the local glory hole... i think its ok :lol:


Personaly, i just wait for the pool to open... that way, i can exercise, tan, AND see if theres any new hot girls in my complex ;)


They will still see you drive a Vulva and think that is gay.

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Im pretty crazy tan right this second, since I am heading to key west this weekend.


I too tan at the gym but only once a week if I am not heading towards the equator.





It isnt homosexual to care about your appearance, but it is maschoistic not to. Unless you're asexual of course.

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Its not the most masculine thing you can do, altough i do tan every now and again because my gf works at a tanning place and makes me tan. Its not too bad during winter time cause it feels kinda good, boring as crap,but warms you up. I just hate the way you smell/feel afterwards...ggggroooossss
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Guest bigb
I burnt myself to a crisp last fall when I moved here, and have maintained a nice tone ever since. Gonna have to watch out for melanomas, though...

Tanning isn't gay for men at all. I tan once a week at my gym right now (my mom's taking me to Arizona in a few weeks). I see men right next to me paying for their tanning sessions all the time. And most of them all look pretty nice. Make sure u don't tan too much b/c as Clay put it well u are at increased risk for getting melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinoma. BCC and SCC are treatable with removal but melanoma will kill u if it gets into your lymph system b/f it's caught. Most of my patients with metastatic melanoma are on borrowed time right now. But tanning is much better than getting burnt. When we get severe burns it starts to change the morphology of our skin cells and there goes the cancer diagnosis. Anyhoo, most things in moderation are ok. TAN ON!!!

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I tan a few days a week, usually in the winter, because I tend to get pale and I believe that the intense light helps your nervous system recharge. A little light therapy and coloration are nice as opposed to looking like a ghost...plus the girls at the tanning salon are hott.
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im pretty fair skinned, and I burn really quick. I have developed a farmers tan because I never take my shirt off (wouldnt be pretty for anyone). My latest skin color is from the Autocross on sunday.
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