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5/5/06 at Shott

Dr. Apex

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Well that was interesting....For those of you who weren't at the Shott tonight you missed out on some entertainment. The typical burnouts and ricer stuff started as normal. Some black guys in a Maxima decided to drive around sitting on their doors showing off their alcohol and letting everyone smell the weed they were smoking. Cop happens to role in while they were doing this and they get stopped. The cop pulls the driver out but for some reason stops in the middle of hand-cuffing the driver and he decides to bolt, the passengers of course follow suit and they all take off running. Backup is called and they show up quickly, I decide at this point to leave.

I follow MaverickGrabber and some others to Sams club but nobody shows, then off the the Thrift store and there's only a handful of cars so I call it a night.

All in all it was entertaining. Anyone stick around Shott to see what happened? I assume everyone was booted...

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Mike and I stuck around until the cops rolled through the lot TELLING us to leave. Kind of a dick about it too.


You see those ass-clowns that were all over the lexus (on top, sides, etc.)?


I REALLY miss the old days of going to Kroger and pulling up a fold out chair and chilling with a group and shooting the shit. Now THAT was fun. :(.


Fucking ass-hats.

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Guest StealthDudeTT
I talked to a lady cop that was there directing traffic. She said the first guy they tried to put in the cruiser, punched the cop, and then took off running. The rest of the idiots followed him.


See now... those are the kinds of people that need to just die off the face of the planet. Of course it was definitely some good entertainment for the night! I pulled out of the lot right after that happened and sure enough... within seconds about 4 more cops were ripping down the street. What kind of dickfuck leaves his vehicle and runs thinking the cops aren't going to find him later since they now have his car? And the shithead award goes to... :lol:

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Guest B series
haha, that stuff was funny as hell. what about the bottle that came flyin out of the sky to hit that guys car, I did not get to see it but i heard it was funny.
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what about the bottle that came flyin out of the sky to hit that guys car, I did not get to see it but i heard it was funny.


Are you kidding?


No one could convince me that there is anything funny about a bottle hitting a car. It would take most of my friends to hold me back, preventing me from seriously injuring the guilty party.

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haha, that stuff was funny as hell. what about the bottle that came flyin out of the sky to hit that guys car, I did not get to see it but i heard it was funny.

I was standing right there when that happened. Some douche bag in a pos old accord squealed his tires and almost rear ended a monte carlo, suddenly a bottle of some kind bounced off his roof and over the front of the car. The guys looked back to see who it was but everyone was just laughing their asses off, including me.

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I follow MaverickGrabber and some others to Sams club but nobody shows, then off the the Thrift store and there's only a handful of cars so I call it a night.

All in all it was entertaining. Anyone stick around Shott to see what happened? I assume everyone was booted...


A fairly nice group of us cruised over to Hooters and talked for about 20 or so minutes and then went out dig raceing. It was quite interersting.

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Guest B series
Are you kidding?


No one could convince me that there is anything funny about a bottle hitting a car. It would take most of my friends to hold me back, preventing me from seriously injuring the guilty party.


Don't miss understand me, if a bottle hit my car I would respond the same way, hell I would respond the same way if I saw a bottle hit your car. But these guys that drive around spinning there tires in there FF cars are stupid. They give guys like myself who like to build good hondas a bad name.

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