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WTB MP3 Player any thoughts?


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I am going to stop by Best Buy today and take a look at all the MP3 players out there. Is there any good ones that I should be looking at? After I buy a nice MP3 player I am going after an indash cd player that will hook up with my new device. I am new at this kind of thing is there anything I should look at 1st before buying it?





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First off. Look for a radio that can control a ipod or hook it into factory. Ipod's are nice and they give you great storage . Everything else is just a wanna be ipod you will see what i mean when you get to best buy. I personaly have a IPOD Mini 6gig. I love it minus my battery problems which apple has told me they would fix if i sent it in.


+1 for IPOD non shuffle


or if your just looking to use it in the car take that extra 300$ and put it towards a indash HD based radio

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i have a used dell DJ and i like it. its user friendly, has easy to read display, and has good battery life. i charge it overnight maybe 2x a week and i listen to it about 4 hours a day at work.


as for hooking it up to a car stereo, when you go looking for one, find one w/ an auxillary (sp) input. i paid like 30$ for a cord thats about 4 feet long that i can route anywhere the ipod is in the front seat...i cut a small hole on the edge of my dash trim and made a small mounting piece w/ some velcro...its held up by the screws holding the CD player to the car and the dash piece fits over it...i have a pic somewhere...its not the prettiest thing in the world, but it lets me mount my DJ right next to the CD player and not somewhere im not used to looking at while im driving

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My Zen Touch is pretty awesome, w/24 hour continuous play battery life. However, IMO the Creative Mediasource software totally blows ass, and iTunes is a really good program. It depends what you are looking for, but if you get the 2 year warranty thing, you'll be covered on basically any major problems you could run into with an iPod Video.
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iPod ftw. Got my brother one last Christmas (4G nano, flash memory so no moving parts, great for his evening 10mi runs), and I keep kicking around the idea of getting the cheapest of the video ones just so I can get iTunes and download BSG for $80 (or so) instead of paying Time Warner 6x that for crap I don't watch.
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I've got a Gen2 Dell DJ 20Gig. I like it, but compared to newer players it's a bit bulky. The creative MP3 players are really nice. Phillips makes few nice ones also. Don't listen to Thorn, he's one of the Ipod bible thumpers. There are other high quality MP3 players out there besides an iPod.


Look around here for ideas


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Well thanks guy's....I just picked up a Samsung YP-T7J from Best Buy for $110 bucks. I am in love with this thing.....its got 1.5 color screen that I can upload pics of my kid's etc. Now I am going to save for a new In-Dash radio for my car that will run my MP3 player! Can't wait!


Thanks again!


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i have an ipod 4g....well..had an ipod 4g. Ive broken it so many times that the Apple Care insurance wont fix it anymore. I used it everyday at work and dropped it probobly 10000 times. I still loved it though! I am trying to save up for a 5g to replace my old one.
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Ben, I know you are tired of hearing about this in dash unit, but I have to give him a heads up.



I freakin love this thing. It records to sd or usb jump drive. You play music from both and rip from cd or the radio. You can hookup your mp3 player as well. It is a single disk player too. However, it will not wipe your ass for you. though it does come with a remote. If you don't need a ton if power. At $199, this thing is perfect.

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