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Who knows GPS's?


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I'm looking for a GPS that I can use while offroading, mainly so that I can find trails (mostly local township roads) and mark where they are at so I can find them later. I found a good deal on this:




It's a Garmin iQue 3600, which is also a PDA (something else I've been thinking about buying). Should I get it, or would something else be better suited for what I'm looking for, and worry about a PDA later?

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Are you flying solo, or going with a group?

I had good luck with the rino line when I was deployed, they are prety damn ruged, and having the 2 way that you can boradcast your position with is handy. Battery life leaves a little to be desired, but we where getting ~8 hours on a set of batteries.

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There aren't many GPS unit you can buy with the roads we run on them. You'll have to make sure you can buy software for it to include those roads. They are getting better every day though so maybe there are some nice ones out now. The next one I'll buy will probably be one of those PC bases units that are basically an antenne that connects to your laptop or PDA. That will enable you to use alot of different software to track your position. Those antenne also provide the best signal in the type of terrain you see in ohio.

We're about to go into vinton county and do a full survey of the roads there. Theres a huge dispute going on down there now that may cause some trouble for our next novice ride, but we're working on it early.



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