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Guys seriously, IPS Motorsprts FTW


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Mike, you obviously made your post before I made mine regarding the wiring, and how the problem was fixed. Care to comment?


Instead of posting all day long and just making the hole that much deeper why dont you call the shop so we can discuss your infinite knowledge of ARC2 wiring. Sound fair?


Shop # is 614-444-5884 or PM me your # and I will call you...


EDIT: Or sign on IM since you are obviously online. As much as Id love to continue this back and forth publicly it is getting quite old. Please do one of the three or do not reply to this again.

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I truely apologize for flooding your thread with this nonsense. Fellow members were commenting on their experiences with IPS, and I thought I had every right to do the same. I am glad you had a wonderful experience with them, as I'm sure many others have also. We were just not as fortunate, I guess.


As far as me posting instead of my boyfriend? I am not as out-of-the-loop as Jeff thinks I am regarding this matter. I have followed the whole situation very closely, and have gotten all of the facts from my boyfriend. I would not make such a post without evidence to back it up. I also hope I am not being accused as being ignorant due to the fact I am female. I have followed these cars (3/S's) for a while now, and I know more than Jeff obviously gives me credit for.



I dont care for you flooding the thread, my question is if there is such a problem then why doenst your boyfriend post or call the shop. Christ stop hiding behind a key board and call the shop.


Oh, P.S. This is Sams stripper girlfriend posting..... http://smiliesftw.com/x/boobs.gif

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I dont care for you flooding the thread, my question is if there is such a problem then why doenst your boyfriend post or call the shop. Christ stop hiding behind a key board and call the shop.


Oh, P.S. This is Sams stripper girlfriend posting..... http://smiliesftw.com/x/boobs.gif


She was posting every 5 minutes and now dead silence. Odd. No phone call. No IM. No PM. Nada. Even called her boyfriend and no answer. I was honestly looking forward to that conversation too. Oh well...


I just hope my fiance believes every last thing I tell her about my car too -- like how Ive really only got $5-8k invested in the whole thing :)

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jeff, you should let mike handle your unsatisfied customers from now on, hes better at it. mikes post was at least informative without being condescending.




question, how long ago did all of this take place? back when anthony was ranting about his "issues"? from what ive heard its almost a totally different shop, in terms of who works there, since then. i must say, beside my personal issues with jeff, i have heard nothing but good things since all that blew through.

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Karma is a bitch.


I finished up my lemonade, went back out to finish up my yard work and instantly got stung 3 times by the same damn fuzzy yellow bumble-bee. After dancing around the yard like a lunatic I came to a conclusion: I was wrong and I apologize. I take back everything I said.


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Jeremys Stealth was here for a VERY long time. Was it because it took us 8 months to figure out how to swap a shortblock in a 3/S (this is a weekly thing here btw) or was it because 3 days after the car was dropped off the engine was pulled and shortblock sent in to Mitsu for Diagnosis/Warranty Claims? Might be good info to include since its worded as if we pulled the engine and spent 7 3/4 months trying to figure out how it went back in LOL.

This is Jeremy chiming in to explain in more detail my dealings with IPS.


I brought my car to your shop 3-10-05. Unfortunatly I do not have documentation showing when I ordered the new shortblock, but I know it was after I moved to Lima and started school. I started school on May the 9th and it was about 1 month after that when you called me and told me it was a defective shortblock, and I started my attempt on getting it replaced under warranty. I would have gotten the shortblock a little quicker if you would have gotten the reciepts out of the folder that was in my car, "like I asked you to" numerous times. But you never did so I had to go through the process of getting copies from Mitsubishi for the original shortblock, and I had to get copies of the towing bill from the towing company to prove how long the car had been down. I will give you all the benefit of the doubt and say it took maybe two months to get it cleared.


I picked up the shortblock on the 16 of July and took it straight to your shop. From there it was waiting on you guys. As far as the heads are concerned, you guys sent them out and I have never recieved documentation that they were done, or how long they were at the machine shop. As soon as you provide that information I will gladly edit the time frame.


I belive it was sometime in September when Jeff called me saying the the car was nearly done, and would be done by the end of the week. I called later in the week to check, and Jeff said he never promised the car would be done. This hapened at least two more times in the following weeks. One time you admitted to having delays due to spending all of your time getting your 300z ready for the magazine article (despite my telling you I needed the car back ASAP, as my other car was dying, and I would have no form of transportation).


Car was finally finished, and I picked it up on Oct. 22. Unfortunatly I was a little short on cash due to some unexpected money issues, and you guys cut me a deal (letting me pay only $3000 of the $4179 bill right then), which was greatly appreciated. I immediately experienced problems with the car and I called you. You said you were going to come and fix it in the parking lot, but you ended up driving it back to your shop runing on five cylinders. You diagnosed as a bad spark plug wire, "not as spark plugs as you stated in your earlier post". So you took my brand new MSD's off and put used Accel wires on. It was during this visit that the car was broken into.


We picked the car up, and shortly after I experienced the same problems with the car again. Approx. 3 weeks after it left your shop the car was dead. I was going to try to diagnose the problems myself so I would know if the probem was related to your work or not. I didn't want to bring the car back accusing you if the problems had nothing to do with your work. Unfortunatly I never got the time between full time work and school every evening.


About two months later you gave me a call "with your unprofessional attitude". I explained what was going on and I told you what the hold up was. At this point I was very frustrated with your shop, and felt very uncomfortable bringing the car back to you. I told you when I figured out what the problem was that I would pay you the money owed. Shortly after you called again "with your unprofessional attitude", making accusations that I just didn't want to pay, and threatened to get a lawyer involved. You made the comment that you called me xx amount of times and that is false information because I never recieved any of them. I will admit that I should have kept in touch more, but unfortunately my busy schedule distracted me. Again, I apologize for this.


At this point I decided that I would bring the car back to you, but only after I had another shop look over a few things. You called me, and as soon as I explained this to you you had a hissy fit, and went on a half-hour rant on how bringing it anywhere else was useless since no one would know jack squat about the car. The car was towed to the dealership the following week, where the diagnosis of the bad MAF and CAS sensors was made, as my girfriend already explained in her post.


I called you immediatly after with the diagnosis, and you then admitted to suspecting the ECU. Deep down I was weary of my car going back to your shop again, because I knew what the outcome would be- That again you would say there was nothign wrong with the car aside from the tuning of the arc2, and charge me for Misc other things.


Guess what? I was correct. When I came to pick the car up you tried to charge me for a tranny leak that I KNOW I never had (perhaps a ploy to get the "interest" that you knew you couldn't legally charge me?). You said you found no problem with the ECU, and that a plug change and an adjustment to the arc2 got the car running again. I knew that the underlying issue was still not solved, but at this point I was so frustrated with your shop that I just wanted my car back, and I paid you the remaing amount I owed you.


Fast forward to this weekend. Like my girlfriend already told you, my friend and I spent the other night working on the car and found the problem with my car, which is explained in her post.


I'm sorry that a simple comment that she made had to turn into all of this, but in a way im kinda glad it did because the only point i really care to make is The way Jeff handles situations, and puts an unproffesional face on IPS's name. I know that IPS is capable of good work it's just unfortunate that my experience was not so great and my girlfriend has every right to express it if she feels like it.


To add to that she isn't nearly as ignorant as you think, I would put her knowledge of 3s's up against most other owners. As far as PhantomCRX's "so called incompetence" goes I would put his knowledge of any given vehicle up against yours. So for your own sake don't always assume your the only one that knows 3s's Jeff and that no one else does.


I might have more to add, but I'm not sure its worth my time since its very limited.

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LOCK this. Just a suggestion


Yep, it was a thread-jack from the get-go and I apologized for my "tone" in my responses and its still getting brought up so Im done with it. Ive offered to have them call, IM, PM, contact me/the shop direct and of course they dont want to do that.


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i dont think this warrants a lock, really. i mean, what, on the grounds that its a thread jack? hell, if we locked every thread that got steered off topic, wed only have about a dozen or so threads on the board.
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Guest phantom CRX
Nevermind, dont bother. A 4 second search on your boardname on here tells you really do drive a CRX, graduated from High School in '02, and live in Lima (imagine that) so there is no longer any need. Only thing im kinda curious about is your Avatar stating you are 27? Graduated in '02 and you are 27? That Algebra 1 is a bitch huh? LOL.


You know jeff I KNEW you would do a search on my board name to see what you could come up with.. you allways belive what you see?! So what if im from lima. So far thats the only thing thats true in my info. so me bein' from lima means i know nothing and that im "stupid". OK mr.omni has it ever went past your mind that you are NOT the only one that knows about 3s's. as weird as it may sound turst me its true. do me a favor let the air out of your head.


jeff, you should let mike handle your unsatisfied customers from now on, hes better at it. mikes post was at least informative without being condescending.


I agree with this 100% mike dont take stabbs at peoples intellagence, he stated the info that was prolly give to him buy you! but still. people who try make people seem/feel stupid must have a deep issue with them self. If you would handle your self in a better way maybe JUST maybe this thread might be alot less angry. But ive read some of the things you've been saying and replying trying to say me/foxystealth/jeremy are ignorant you know listen to your self talk no professionalism. You know if you wanna hear the voice behind the name. TRUST me i'll be more then happy to call YOU. Then we can see how dumb and ignorant i really am.

Here is some of the facts. jeremy took the car to you to get done. the car has had LOT of issues ever since it left you. (im gonna call you mr.omni from now on) being that you know everything in the world about 3s's. anyway moving on. jeremy took the car back to you mr. omni to fix these prbolems never got fixed. I (little "stupid" guy from lima) look over the bills and see where it WAS charged to him for some really odd work. anyway thats a whole diffrent topic.. but to get to the point. you were the last to work one the car.. so thus. you are held liable.. I notice you spend a awful alot of time trying to make the other people look bad and pointing fingure's trying to wipe your hands of your liablity to the car.

were going to do a "IF" thing here.. "IF" the car had left the shop with the arc2 installed running fine.. comes to your shop you do this work it leaves your shop not running right. you are libale to get the car running in the same way it left.. but correct me if im wrong thats usally how it goes.. SO why blame it on jeremy he had no reason to alter anything you've done thats what your for if it breaks or something goes wrong he takes it back to you and you fix it.. cause well low and behold you were the last one to work on the car. But now.. in lack of better words and I agree with him he said fuck it hesnt not taking it back to youcause the problem from a long time ago never got adressed..

As for the ARC2 you know corect me "IF" im wrong. and if someone is reading this who has a ARC system love for you to chime in..on the arc system that was with his car. I sene where you charged him for the ARC and the rewire of the arc.. I put my hands on the ARC and turn one knob JUST ONE! and turned it one click and BOOM there is soo much fuel being dumped to the point of it prolly had a A/F ratio of 10.0:1 or more. there was NO fine adjustment with that system.. but your charged him for the rewire of the system.. so why arent you liable for the perfomace of the car then?! when you charged him for the rewire. that puts it all on you. .

this is getting to long.. but all in all mr.omni.. its your hands that touched this car. so take the liablity and admit your wrongs and rights.. dont point to others and there knowledge saying there "dumb" "stupid" in the end just makes you look like an ass. and your doing a good job at that.

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I can't read these e-novels. I'm just going to say, in I.P.S. defense, That I've seen a few things come out of that shop, that are just superb. I have also been over there when/if they can't figure out something (no one knows everything.) And they spare no amount of -their- money to get a car running right before it leaves, no matter who they need to call. The car won't leave there "not running right ever since." ESPECIALLY a 3/S. Or any Mitsubishi for that matter.


Just my personal opinion, and experience.

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You know jeff I KNEW you would do a search on my board name to see what you could come up with.. you allways belive what you see?! So what if im from lima. So far thats the only thing thats true in my info. so me bein' from lima means i know nothing and that im "stupid".


Actually, what I posted about you being from Lima is that Jeremy is from Lima so my assumption was you are a friend of his. Whatever else you are inferring from it is on you.


This whole ARC2 debate (which your whole "Camp" is turning into me making fun of your intelligence or tuning prowess) is rather funny in that we cant stand the thing. I dont sell them. Every car that has come in with one has left with something else (except Jeremys) so its not a "We are so much better than you" because you cant tune an ARC2. My car had one for 3 months. Every other day it would run like hell and then once a week or so not at all. I got so sick of the plug changes and all the unneccessary "work" involved in making the car run right with it that I sold it a huge loss and bought an EMS. Havent regretted it for second. I told Jeremy before the car ever even was dropped off we wouldnt charge him to tune it for this very reason. Just because it was running great when it left didnt mean anything for the following day and I didnt want "The car running like crap ever since" getting thrown in my face. As it turned out, he didnt have the money to do it anyway so it was all a moot point.


Next, even though again, your whole "Camp" is turning me saying you own a CRX into some sort of slam or bashing or whatnot. Well, its quite the contrary actually. I was simply pointing out that there isnt a CRX or Honda on earth that is tuned via an ARC2 so that leads me to safely believe you have little to no experience with it. It is a 3000/Stealth invention and to my knowledge its used on almost nothing else and for very good reason. So again, get your panties all in a bunch about it as much as you like, but I was simply inferring you have no experience with one outside of Jeremys. Care to argue that point?


My only joke (Which is all it was) about your "Intelligence" was your avatar and post not matching up in terms of age vs graduation year. Thats it. If thats all it takes for you to get so worked up stop posting on the internet.



1) The car did not take 8 months to finish -- it was here a total of 5 (4 of which was waiting on a block and heads to come back)

--- The GF has posted 8 numerous times

--- Jeremy posted 5 months under her name


2) The heads were sent out the day AFTER we got confirmation Mitsu was going to cover the shortblock and took just over 40 days to finish.


3) Once the heads were done and both they and block were sitting here whatever was in process in the shop at the time was finished and it was started on immediately.


4) Car was completely finished. Fluids in, Battery recharged, everything ready to go but it wouldnt fire. It would turn over fine and sputter but the plugs just got killed with fuel and we had to repeatedly pull them and clean them and reinstall to get it close again. The Split Second A/F meter did nothing. No back and forth lights. No lights period. Odd. So we looked into its wiring first to see there was a wire just hanging on and making no connection at all. Fixed that and it worked. Car still wouldnt start. Looked into the ARC wiring and it was a complete mess. Terrible connections everywhere, electrical tape just sorta there, you name it. We "Corrected" enough to make the unit work (The car finally started) and that was it. No more no less no nothing. Post about it being wired wrong all month long as it has nothing to do with me.


5) Car starts and idles fine. We put it through its break-in paces and within a day its still acting all crazy. It runs fine then shuts down. It wont keep an idle. CEL pops on and stays on. Scan it and its showing a bad ECU. Pull the case off the ECU and there is a fried capacitor. We order it in and hence the delivery date was delayed until it arrived. Pop it in and the car runs great with very minimal tuning required on the ARC. We drive it for a few days just to make sure everything is fine and tell Jeremy to come get it.


6) We let Jeremy take the car with just shy of $1200 being owed.


7) Jeremy calls the next week and says that all the sudden it feels like its missing or down a cylinder. Hes over an hour and a half away in Lima. Instead of telling him what to check and what to look for over the phone (Contrary to popular belief, just because you work on a car doesnt mean you are 24/7 Tech support from that point forward) I had 2 techs drive to Lima to look at it. It was running so crazy rich it had killed the plugs so we cleaned the front 3 well enough to get it back to the shop and make sure thats all it was. We get it back here and it was a plug swap and a bad MSD wire causing the issue. Problem solved and car picked up again with an additional $100 paid toward the $1100+ and we still let him take it.


8) No communication at all from Jeremy. He signed a legal document stating a guaranteed payment of "X" in 30 days and the balance in 60 days. At 90+ days i started calling. No answer. Left message after message after message. No response. (If youd like for me to post my phone bill with your 740 # on it 80+ times with less than 30 seconds on it (Voicemail) I will be more than happy. Finally it was pretty obvious I got scammed for trying to be nice. My phone calls started getting MUCH LESS polite. No response. Finally, I politely reminded him that my guys drove up there to look at the car and if it took me driving to Lima to talk in person I would be up later that day. Miraculously, I get a return call about how his phone has been acting up (of course) but that hes not paying because the car is running like shit. Imagine that. Not one phone call. Not one email. Not one PM or IM or smoke signal in well over 6 months and yet hes not paying because the car isnt running right??? Pissed-off on my part would be an EXTREME understatement.


9) Jeremy decides he wants to send the car to atleast 2 other places to get second opinions before he agrees to send it back. I tell him its my feeling this is simply a stall-tactic to buy him time since he flat out admitted he still didnt have the money. He says he will have the little tour complete in a couple weeks and will have it towed down. Months go by and again no word. Call and call and call and call and guess what? No answer AGAIN until I have to start getting pissed off on the phone. Jeremy answers and the car hasnt moved an inch (I was shocked) but someone would be looking at it soon.


10) 3 Weeks later I make him a deal. If the supposed oil leak, bad ECU, bad MAF, bad CAS, or anything else wrong with the car had ANYTHING to do with this shop Id cover the $200 tow. He agrees and its towed down. We change the plugs. Tweak the ARC2 for 5 minutes and the car starts up and idles fine. We drive it for 3 days and it runs *almost* flawlessly but it does need tuned to eliminate a part-throttle stutter. Jeremy doesnt not want to pay to have us do this and said he would take care of it. We swap in 3 other TT ECUs and the car runs the same on all of them. Its not an ECU or MAF or CAS or anything -- its the ARC2 and/or its wiring. He didnt want to pay to have it looked into -- hence we didnt look into it.


11) Car is picked up the following day (Friday night) and he drives back to Lima. I talk to Jeremy the next day and the car is still running fine.


12) No phone call. No email. No PM. No IM. No communication of any kind from that day however long ago up until his girlfriend starts posting in this thread now.


Those are the facts and twist and turn and massage them all you want -- they are undisputable. I wasted my whole lunch typing this so Im done. Since you dont have any desire to contact us here (I cant imagine why) keep posting whatever you want in the hope of convincing someone that we actually do suck.


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FYI, before we're accused of being IPS lovers, "phantom CRX" was banned because he spoofed all of his profile information. It had nothing to do with this thread.


Carry on...

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New prediction: This thread will soon become a new Lifetime mini series. Stay tuned.


I had very custom-oriented work done a while back by IPS and I was very satisfied with the results. I am a happy customer; would do business again.


It was not a 3000GT or a Stealth, I know better than that because God himself couldn't make those bitches run right. Sell the Mitsu, buy a Toyota.


The end.

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Good God this is a clusterfuck...


The scary thing is its stupid simple. Her original "Took 8 months" thing has been proven to be beyond false (Even by the dates posted by the actual owner). Only other argeuemnt is bad wiring so its a simple matter of who did it. I remember it being so bad that Ryan made WV shop jokes for an hour and even borrowed the camera to take pics and I just cant find them anymore since thats been so long ago. If the selective memory about who actually did the wiring of the ARC2 were to cure itself there is nothing at all to post about.


All the novels and it boils down simply to who wired up an air/fuel controller blind-folded LOL.


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Her original "Took 8 months" thing has been proven to be beyond false (Even by the dates posted by the actual owner).

I failed to subract the 2 month wait for the shortblock. That was my mistake and I APOLOGIZE. I will go back and edit my original post. The time frame we should be looking at is approx. 6 months... which is still ridiculously long. And I did not post it numerous times like you say, only the once.

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I personaly dont see why you give a crap what anyone says and let your work speak for it's self.

This man has no clue how a buisness environment works, nor does he take pride in anything he does. If he did, he'd realize that even the few and far between insignificant crap needs adressed.


This would be hilarious if it weren't sad. The bad publicity would be unfortunate if it was anything remotely credible.


Personaly, I seriously will not take anyones bad experience with a 3si with a huge grain of salt. Everyone I know who has ever tried to do anything serious with those cars, no matter who they took it to, has had nothing but trouble with them. Your experience with the shop wasn't an acception, it's the norm. If youdont like frustration, dont try to mod a 2-ton AWD car who's engine is crammed in tighter then an Egyptian pyramid block.


But, I will also state that Jeff PR skillz are lacking. Though it was an entertaining read, you've realy got to be on your professional game at alltimes. Squeaky wheels get attention, dont forget it. ;)

Of course, if you ran IPS on a firm and unwaivering buisness model, you wouldn't have let him take the car untill payment was made in full. You had every legal right to sit on that car until everything was paid up. The finacial screw around completely negates the legitimacy of any argument you could put forward, Jeremy. They had difficulty tuning a hackjob car, you outright stiffed them on a significant amount of cash.



Interesting fact from the "quality sciences", which is my trade. Per most accepted statistics and standards of inspection, assembly, production, etc etc misc actions, a human being can only be expected to find 88% of the faults in a given system or object. This means that everyone makes mistakes. compare the number of positive experiences to the number of negative ones (that were actualy the fault of the shop) and I bet you'll find a ratio far better then 9:10.

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I will also state that Jeff PR skillz are lacking. Though it was an entertaining read, you've realy got to be on your professional game at alltimes. Squeaky wheels get attention, dont forget it. ;)

Of course, if you ran IPS on a firm and unwaivering buisness model, you wouldn't have let him take the car untill payment was made in full. You had every legal right to sit on that car until everything was paid up. The finacial screw around completely negates the legitimacy of any argument you could put forward, Jeremy. They had difficulty tuning a hackjob car, you outright stiffed them on a significant amount of cash.


THANK GOD -- a voice of reason :) The only thing I would edit would be "We didnt get paid to tune a hackjob car so hence we did not vs having difficulty doing so" Aside, from that, you hit the nail on the head.


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