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a video for the good doctor


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what is it that makes almost everyone i have seen try, throw it back up?

even the people that drink it slow....weird


the human body cannot handle that much lactose

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Ive done numerous milk challenges, none since college though. The milk begins to curdle in your belly and as it separates the lighter portion rises in your esophagus. Eventually the pressure becomes too much and you set it free in a projectile explosion. It is the most amazing feeling to finally throw it up.
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LOL, I remember in high school I got 2 detentions because a bunch of us at our lunch table decided to do the Milk Challenge and we all got sick ahhaha. I was half a quart away from getting it all down.. and what makes it even better, we were all using chocolate milk. Sorry to say, I don't think I can drink chocolate milk without getting sick to my stomach lol.
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